COLAGE, For People with LGBT Parents
What is Colage?:
COLAGE is the only organization that specifically supports children and adults with LGBT parents. The San Francisco-based organization provides resources, empowerment and support activities such as youth leadership and activism programs, pen pal programs, training for professionals in education, and media training.
COLAGE helps connect and empower kids of gays through autonomous, self-run local chapters throughout the country.
How Many Kids of Gays Are There?:
There are more children of LGBT parents than you may think. Of course, it is difficult to cite an actual number of "kids of gays" because some LGBT parents are not out or chose not to disclose their sexuality; but COLAGE estimates that there are more than 10 million kids in the U.S. alone that have one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender parent.
Are The Children of LGBT People Gay, Too?:
A person's environment does not make them gay, nor does having a gay parent make you gay. In other words LGBT people are born LGBT, not made that way (read Nature vs. Nurture). Some youth and adults with LGBT parents are straight, yet others are themselves LGBT or second generation.
How Can I Meet Other Kids of Gays?:
COLAGE chapters provide local community support and activities for children with LGBT parents and families.
Where Can I Read More About Kids with Gay Parents?:
COLAGE is a great resource site for those with LGBT parents and families. Also, read these suggested articles: