How to Design Your Own Tire Cover
- 1). Measure the tire's diameter. The diameter is equal to the widest measurement of a circle. Add 2-inches to this measurement. Cut one canvas circle according to the modified diameter.
- 2). Measure the tire's width, from sidewall to sidewall (across the tread). Add 2-inches to this measurement. This is the width of the side rectangle. Hold the tape measure end in the center of the tread at the top of your tire (writing on tire should be right side up). Wrap the tape around the tire until it meets the end. Add 2-inches to this measurement. This is the length of the side rectangle. Cut two canvas rectangles according to the width and length of the side rectangle.
- 3). Lay the canvas circle with the right side of the fabric facing you. Lay one canvas rectangle on top of the circle with the wrong side facing you. Pin one rectangle length edge around the edge of the circle. Pin the rectangle ends together.
- 4). Sew the rectangle to the circle using a 1-inch seam allowance and a straight stitch. Sew the rectangle ends together. Remove pins.
- 5). Fold one length edge of the other rectangle over ½-inch against the wrong side of the fabric. Fold the edge over again, ¾-inch against the wrong side of the fabric. This is the drawstring casing. Pin. Leave a 3-inch section of the casing unpinned at one end of the rectangle. This will be where the drawstring is fed.
- 6). Sew the casing using a ¾-inch seam allowance and a straight stitch. Remove the pins.
- 7). Lay the circle with attached rectangle with the right side of the fabric facing you (it will be "inside out"). Turn the remaining rectangle so the wrong side is facing you. Pin the rectangle edge without the casing along the unsewn edge of the rectangle connected to the circle. Pin the rectangle ends together. Do not pin the open 3-inch section.
- 8). Sew the rectangle to the circle/rectangle using a 1-inch seam allowance and a straight stitch. Sew the rectangle ends together. Don't sew the open 3-inch section of the casing. The rectangle will not lay flat. It will gather when you pull the drawstring. Remove pins.
- 9). Connect a safety pin to the end of the drawstring cord. Connect another safety pin to the other end of the cord and to the 3-inch opening in the casing. Feed the cord/pin through the 3-inch opening until it emerges from the other casing side.
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Turn the cover right side out. Slip the cover over the tire. Hold one end of the drawstring and pull the cord tight with the other. Tie in a secure bow/knot. According to the Sewing and Craft Alliance, you can tie knots at each drawstring end if you choose.