EFT - Negative Emotions Hold Us Back
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique a Meridian Therapy that has been called 'Acupuncture without needles' as it works the same way as acupuncture using the meridians but tapping on them instead of putting needles in them.
When a problem in life occurs, this can be anything from weight issues, health problems to being unable to succeed in business, it is usually because there is a meridian blockage and over the years we accumulated many blockages without even knowing it.
These blockages are caused by our emotions.
If you were raised to believe that money is evil, which a lot of people were, including myself, you will have a subconscious belief that money is evil and no matter how hard you try to make money, want to make money, love money and what it brings, your subconscious will never let you because it believes that money is evil.
And until you re-programme your subconscious to believe that money is good you will never be able to make the money you desire.
By using EFT you can break down these emotions and eliminate negative emotions that are holding you back.
Usually by going back into a persons childhood you can establish what was said to a child that caused these negative emotions and what the subconscious mind is storing to be able to work with the issues.
If a person can't remember or doesn't want to remember because the experience is too painful it doesn't matter because these issues can still be dealt with through EFT.
When using EFT you normally find that when you start work on one issue other issues start to dissolve.
A build up of blockages start to shift and the more EFT is used the more these blockages shift and start to dissolve and other issues and emotions come to your attention which can also be dealt with but not necessarily at that time, they can be dealt with separately.
If you know what your limiting believes are and whats holding you back or causing you pain thats great because you can work on those issues to get rid of them.
Often people don't know what is stored in their subconscious and unaware of what negative emotions they have hidden within them and they have never considered that it is their own inner being that is causing the problem.
One way of taking a look to find out what is going on in your mind is to list all the issues that you have in your life that are causing you concern.
These might be: I'm overweight I have a terrible memory I have a fear of the dark I just can't make enough money My relationships never last I'm always in pain I never make the right decisions You may have 100 things on your list, when I did this I had a list of about 55! On each item on your list ask yourself: 1.
When did this become a problem, were you a child, in your teens, in your 30's, when? 2.
What was going on in my life at the time, divorce, new job, problems at home, traumatic experience? 3.
What was said to you, did someone make a throw away comment, were you constantly criticised, did you over hear a conversation or remark? Quite often you can trace things back to when a problem started and what was happening in your life at the time to be able to link the problem to a certain situation and time in your life to establish what was probably the cause of the problem and from there you can tap on those to bring an end to the problem.
When a problem in life occurs, this can be anything from weight issues, health problems to being unable to succeed in business, it is usually because there is a meridian blockage and over the years we accumulated many blockages without even knowing it.
These blockages are caused by our emotions.
If you were raised to believe that money is evil, which a lot of people were, including myself, you will have a subconscious belief that money is evil and no matter how hard you try to make money, want to make money, love money and what it brings, your subconscious will never let you because it believes that money is evil.
And until you re-programme your subconscious to believe that money is good you will never be able to make the money you desire.
By using EFT you can break down these emotions and eliminate negative emotions that are holding you back.
Usually by going back into a persons childhood you can establish what was said to a child that caused these negative emotions and what the subconscious mind is storing to be able to work with the issues.
If a person can't remember or doesn't want to remember because the experience is too painful it doesn't matter because these issues can still be dealt with through EFT.
When using EFT you normally find that when you start work on one issue other issues start to dissolve.
A build up of blockages start to shift and the more EFT is used the more these blockages shift and start to dissolve and other issues and emotions come to your attention which can also be dealt with but not necessarily at that time, they can be dealt with separately.
If you know what your limiting believes are and whats holding you back or causing you pain thats great because you can work on those issues to get rid of them.
Often people don't know what is stored in their subconscious and unaware of what negative emotions they have hidden within them and they have never considered that it is their own inner being that is causing the problem.
One way of taking a look to find out what is going on in your mind is to list all the issues that you have in your life that are causing you concern.
These might be: I'm overweight I have a terrible memory I have a fear of the dark I just can't make enough money My relationships never last I'm always in pain I never make the right decisions You may have 100 things on your list, when I did this I had a list of about 55! On each item on your list ask yourself: 1.
When did this become a problem, were you a child, in your teens, in your 30's, when? 2.
What was going on in my life at the time, divorce, new job, problems at home, traumatic experience? 3.
What was said to you, did someone make a throw away comment, were you constantly criticised, did you over hear a conversation or remark? Quite often you can trace things back to when a problem started and what was happening in your life at the time to be able to link the problem to a certain situation and time in your life to establish what was probably the cause of the problem and from there you can tap on those to bring an end to the problem.