Foods Containing Omega 3 Fatty Acids - What You Don"t Know Might Be Costing You More Than You Think
Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for proper functioning and well being of our body. They provide amazing benefits for our overall health. Find out what are the extraordinary foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids in high levels and what precautions you should take to safeguard your health.
Foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 6 fatty acids can be found in abundant quantity in many food sources. But, if we look at the list of foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids in a good quantity, we come across only a few names. In fact, fish is the only food that is rich in long chain of omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.
So, why is it that a comparison is being done on the content of Omega 3 versus Omega 6 in the average diet? The reason is quite simple. The average diet of most people contains excessive amounts of Omega 6 in comparison to Omega 3!
In fact, research shows that the average Western individual consumes around 10 times of Omega 6 as compared to Omega 3 (in many people it is as high as 30 times)! This is a big health hazard and is a precursor to a lot of health problems such as heart disease.
Although the list of foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids is small in number, they also contain good amount of Omega 6 as well. Therefore, health experts generally recommend taking omega 3 supplements. This takes care of their right balance and maintains optimal health and well-being.
If we look at the food sources of short chain Omega 3 fatty acids, plant-based foods such as purslane, Chia, flax seed, rope and lingonberry are the most prominent ones.
Plant-based food sources contain Omega 3 in the form of ALA. Our body has to convert ALA into long chain Omega 3's - DHA and EPA before it can be used. This conversion process does not take place with equal efficiency for all people, especially with those suffering from sub par health and elderly people.
Meat is a good source of omega 3, but there are many essential criteria that you should look for. It is only grass-fed meat (beef, chicken, sheep, etc.) that contains good levels of omega 3, and not the grain-fed one. The grain fed meat contains little or negligible amount of omega 3 fatty acids.
You can find grass-fed meat in the local farmers market or specific grocery stores - at slightly higher price than grain fed meat. Organic eggs (with high omega 3 content) are also among excellent foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids.
Although fish is the best source of long chain Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA; consuming it in large quantities exposes us to the risk of mercury contamination. Almost all the ocean waters are polluted with contaminants created by industrial pollution, the fish too contain hazardous toxins such as mercury, lead, PCBs, etc.
In order to mitigate the risk of contamination, while at the same time benefiting from the amazing omega 3 content of naturally found fish; the best approach is to use fish oil supplements that have been molecularly distilled. It is a process in which the toxins and contaminants are separated from the fish oil, and the purified oil is then encapsulated into supplements.
Hoki is a fish that is naturally high in Omega 3, DHA and EPA fatty acids. It is found natively in the cleanest waters of New Zealand (which are regulated and protected by the government of New Zealand). It is used in the best pharmaceutical grade and molecularly distilled fish oil products.
As the natural foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids are very limited in number, it is a much healthier option to include high-quality omega 3 fish oil supplements in your health regimen to reap the amazing benefits of Omega 3s without the risk of toxins and contaminants.
Foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 6 fatty acids can be found in abundant quantity in many food sources. But, if we look at the list of foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids in a good quantity, we come across only a few names. In fact, fish is the only food that is rich in long chain of omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.
So, why is it that a comparison is being done on the content of Omega 3 versus Omega 6 in the average diet? The reason is quite simple. The average diet of most people contains excessive amounts of Omega 6 in comparison to Omega 3!
In fact, research shows that the average Western individual consumes around 10 times of Omega 6 as compared to Omega 3 (in many people it is as high as 30 times)! This is a big health hazard and is a precursor to a lot of health problems such as heart disease.
Although the list of foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids is small in number, they also contain good amount of Omega 6 as well. Therefore, health experts generally recommend taking omega 3 supplements. This takes care of their right balance and maintains optimal health and well-being.
If we look at the food sources of short chain Omega 3 fatty acids, plant-based foods such as purslane, Chia, flax seed, rope and lingonberry are the most prominent ones.
Plant-based food sources contain Omega 3 in the form of ALA. Our body has to convert ALA into long chain Omega 3's - DHA and EPA before it can be used. This conversion process does not take place with equal efficiency for all people, especially with those suffering from sub par health and elderly people.
Meat is a good source of omega 3, but there are many essential criteria that you should look for. It is only grass-fed meat (beef, chicken, sheep, etc.) that contains good levels of omega 3, and not the grain-fed one. The grain fed meat contains little or negligible amount of omega 3 fatty acids.
You can find grass-fed meat in the local farmers market or specific grocery stores - at slightly higher price than grain fed meat. Organic eggs (with high omega 3 content) are also among excellent foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids.
Although fish is the best source of long chain Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA; consuming it in large quantities exposes us to the risk of mercury contamination. Almost all the ocean waters are polluted with contaminants created by industrial pollution, the fish too contain hazardous toxins such as mercury, lead, PCBs, etc.
In order to mitigate the risk of contamination, while at the same time benefiting from the amazing omega 3 content of naturally found fish; the best approach is to use fish oil supplements that have been molecularly distilled. It is a process in which the toxins and contaminants are separated from the fish oil, and the purified oil is then encapsulated into supplements.
Hoki is a fish that is naturally high in Omega 3, DHA and EPA fatty acids. It is found natively in the cleanest waters of New Zealand (which are regulated and protected by the government of New Zealand). It is used in the best pharmaceutical grade and molecularly distilled fish oil products.
As the natural foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids are very limited in number, it is a much healthier option to include high-quality omega 3 fish oil supplements in your health regimen to reap the amazing benefits of Omega 3s without the risk of toxins and contaminants.