How to Gain Unlimited Love and Happiness.
Make no doubt about it, love and happiness are your natural birthright. You do not have to endure loneliness or the emotional cruelty inflicted on you by others. You can have romance and fulfillment. You can win an admiring, caring love. You can have peace of mind. With our help all the love and happiness, fulfillment and peace of mind that you seek can and will be yours.
If you have always felt neglected by others, or that life never seems to run smoothly for you, then the chances are that, the relationship you had and lost is still blocking your natural feelings and perhaps other complexes buried deep within the recesses of your subconscious. As many people are not even aware, or do not wish to be aware, that such negative emotions can exist within them.
So then we have two problems, first the problem of the buried emotional complex it self and then the persons own refusal to believe that such a thing exists in the first place!
Many people, would have you believe, deep down actually we prefer to be lonely, neglected and mistreated! This seems a shocking, crazy thing to say but it is a fact of psychology which any psychoanalyst will confirm.
In childhood they were deprived of love and security and so they fed on negative, hostile emotions which their subconscious accepted uncritically. The subconscious will accept any emotion fed into it. It is totally uncritical and without powers of reason or deduction.
Years of such negativity, conditions the subconscious to reject love and happiness, because it only understands hatred, insecurity and loneliness. This is one reason that you might have a feeling of being uncomfortable when things are going well!
It is possible to try and reason with the subconscious, but because it has been fed negative thoughts for so long it always has the upper hand. We all recognize that such discomfort is without reason and try as one will it is impossible to fight this stupid feeling off.
When reason and emotion are in conflict nine times out of ten emotion wins. And, predictably, because of the discomfort felt at receiving happiness the happiness goes away to leave one lonely and miserable again.
If the soul is in conflict then the harmonious circumstances are repelled. This is a definite and indisputable fact of psychology. It is metaphysical fact, an axiom of Natural Universal Law.
So in order to usher happiness and fulfillment into your life, and all the things that make living worthwhile, you have got to achieve harmony within yourself. There is no use in sitting back and waiting for things to happen the subconscious will hang around you producing more and more negative thoughts, get up start thinking positively on how you intend to rekindle the love that you have lost, you must eliminate the inner discord and conflict within your mind.
It is possible to seek outside help but this can be extremely expensive, your money would be better invested in buying some good practical psychology books which will teach you all you will need to know on the best way to get over a breakup or the best way to handle a breakup, whether it be evaluating your relationship with your partner or exorcising your ex: and how to get rid of the demons of relationships past, all these are relevant to starting afresh with ways to get an ex back.
If you have always felt neglected by others, or that life never seems to run smoothly for you, then the chances are that, the relationship you had and lost is still blocking your natural feelings and perhaps other complexes buried deep within the recesses of your subconscious. As many people are not even aware, or do not wish to be aware, that such negative emotions can exist within them.
So then we have two problems, first the problem of the buried emotional complex it self and then the persons own refusal to believe that such a thing exists in the first place!
Many people, would have you believe, deep down actually we prefer to be lonely, neglected and mistreated! This seems a shocking, crazy thing to say but it is a fact of psychology which any psychoanalyst will confirm.
In childhood they were deprived of love and security and so they fed on negative, hostile emotions which their subconscious accepted uncritically. The subconscious will accept any emotion fed into it. It is totally uncritical and without powers of reason or deduction.
Years of such negativity, conditions the subconscious to reject love and happiness, because it only understands hatred, insecurity and loneliness. This is one reason that you might have a feeling of being uncomfortable when things are going well!
It is possible to try and reason with the subconscious, but because it has been fed negative thoughts for so long it always has the upper hand. We all recognize that such discomfort is without reason and try as one will it is impossible to fight this stupid feeling off.
When reason and emotion are in conflict nine times out of ten emotion wins. And, predictably, because of the discomfort felt at receiving happiness the happiness goes away to leave one lonely and miserable again.
If the soul is in conflict then the harmonious circumstances are repelled. This is a definite and indisputable fact of psychology. It is metaphysical fact, an axiom of Natural Universal Law.
So in order to usher happiness and fulfillment into your life, and all the things that make living worthwhile, you have got to achieve harmony within yourself. There is no use in sitting back and waiting for things to happen the subconscious will hang around you producing more and more negative thoughts, get up start thinking positively on how you intend to rekindle the love that you have lost, you must eliminate the inner discord and conflict within your mind.
It is possible to seek outside help but this can be extremely expensive, your money would be better invested in buying some good practical psychology books which will teach you all you will need to know on the best way to get over a breakup or the best way to handle a breakup, whether it be evaluating your relationship with your partner or exorcising your ex: and how to get rid of the demons of relationships past, all these are relevant to starting afresh with ways to get an ex back.