Is Your Ex in a Rebound? Here"s How You Can Get Her Back in 17 Days!
There are few things worse than the pain of a bad break-up - except, perhaps, the horror of seeing her with someone else.
Rebound relationships are highly popular with women because they help rebuild their self-esteem as well as often allow them to move on after a break-up.
Unfortunately, many men don't understand the concept of rebound relationships - which is why, in this article, I explain why rebounds are nothing for you to worry about and how you can still win your ex back in 17 days, whether she's in a rebound or not! First of all, statistics show that rebound relationships fail 90% of the time - so if you're worried sick about your ex meeting the man of her dreams a week after breaking up with you, relax.
Secondly, the reason why rebounds fail is because the woman is usually not prepared - or even interested in - a serious emotional commitment.
Instead, she's just looking for someone who can make her feel good and ease the pain of a bad break-up - which is why she will probably dump the guy a few months down the line.
However, while your ex is in a rebound relationship, there are certain things you absolutely MUST NOT do if you're serious about winning her back.
First and foremost, avoid making an issue out of it.
Although you may be tempted to track the guy down and start some trouble, doing so will only make you look like a desperate, obsessed loon.
In fact, the best way to handle a rebound is to pretend that it doesn't exist - even if you're freaking out on the inside.
Moreover, since it is likely that your ex will dump the guy in a few months as well, use this time to work on yourself and become the man she'd be dying to have in her life.
This means moving on and pulling yourself together.
It's hard to snap out of the grieving stage after a break-up - but as long as you continue to be a deranged emotional train-wreck, your ex will never consider getting back together.
Rebound relationships are highly popular with women because they help rebuild their self-esteem as well as often allow them to move on after a break-up.
Unfortunately, many men don't understand the concept of rebound relationships - which is why, in this article, I explain why rebounds are nothing for you to worry about and how you can still win your ex back in 17 days, whether she's in a rebound or not! First of all, statistics show that rebound relationships fail 90% of the time - so if you're worried sick about your ex meeting the man of her dreams a week after breaking up with you, relax.
Secondly, the reason why rebounds fail is because the woman is usually not prepared - or even interested in - a serious emotional commitment.
Instead, she's just looking for someone who can make her feel good and ease the pain of a bad break-up - which is why she will probably dump the guy a few months down the line.
However, while your ex is in a rebound relationship, there are certain things you absolutely MUST NOT do if you're serious about winning her back.
First and foremost, avoid making an issue out of it.
Although you may be tempted to track the guy down and start some trouble, doing so will only make you look like a desperate, obsessed loon.
In fact, the best way to handle a rebound is to pretend that it doesn't exist - even if you're freaking out on the inside.
Moreover, since it is likely that your ex will dump the guy in a few months as well, use this time to work on yourself and become the man she'd be dying to have in her life.
This means moving on and pulling yourself together.
It's hard to snap out of the grieving stage after a break-up - but as long as you continue to be a deranged emotional train-wreck, your ex will never consider getting back together.