Nutrition for Building Lean Muscle Mass - What to Eat
When it comes to building large amounts of muscle mass half the battle is eating the right food and plenty of them.
It can be very confusing knowing what is healthy and what will work best for building muscle, with all the conflicting new methods and diets out there.
This article will give you the flat out basic nutrition plan you can follow and easily understand to pack on a lot of lean muscle mass in a short time period.
There are three macro nutrients protein, carbohydrates and fats.
This article will split them up and explain the best foods to eat of each type.
Protein Protein is the king of the macro nutrients when it comes to building lean muscle mass.
It is the only one of the three that your body can use to build new muscle tissue.
Therefore you will want to get plenty of it from high quality foods.
The best foods for high protein content are poultry, red meat, eggs, fish, milk and whey.
Eat these foods in abundance to see the greatest muscle gains.
Eat at least one of them or even better a combination with each meal.
Aim to eat at least a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Carbohydrates Carbs are a great source of energy, nutrients and fibre.
The only carbs you need to eat to pack on lean muscle mass are fruits and vegetables.
These contain very high amounts of vitamins and minerals that you need to optimally gain muscle mass and create an anabolic environment.
All other carbs are inferior to fruits and vegetables in the energy and nutrient to weight ratio.
They will give you the best fibre, to help digest all the protein you will be eating every day.
Fats Fats will be your main source of energy.
They are well known for dramatically increasing testosterone levels, by up to 300%.
Healthy fats you should eat are avocados, olive oil, butter, cream, coconut cream, nuts, almond butter, egg yolks, meat and poultry fats.
Eat mainly saturated and monounsaturated fats for the best muscle gains.
Avoid trans fatty acids and be careful with polyunsaturated fats as these can be unstable.
Fats are a great source of energy as they contain 9 calories per gram compared to the other two macro nutrients that only offer 4 calories per gram.
They also don't cause an insulin spike and this will allow your body to continue burning fat all day - creating a lean muscular body.
It can be very confusing knowing what is healthy and what will work best for building muscle, with all the conflicting new methods and diets out there.
This article will give you the flat out basic nutrition plan you can follow and easily understand to pack on a lot of lean muscle mass in a short time period.
There are three macro nutrients protein, carbohydrates and fats.
This article will split them up and explain the best foods to eat of each type.
Protein Protein is the king of the macro nutrients when it comes to building lean muscle mass.
It is the only one of the three that your body can use to build new muscle tissue.
Therefore you will want to get plenty of it from high quality foods.
The best foods for high protein content are poultry, red meat, eggs, fish, milk and whey.
Eat these foods in abundance to see the greatest muscle gains.
Eat at least one of them or even better a combination with each meal.
Aim to eat at least a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Carbohydrates Carbs are a great source of energy, nutrients and fibre.
The only carbs you need to eat to pack on lean muscle mass are fruits and vegetables.
These contain very high amounts of vitamins and minerals that you need to optimally gain muscle mass and create an anabolic environment.
All other carbs are inferior to fruits and vegetables in the energy and nutrient to weight ratio.
They will give you the best fibre, to help digest all the protein you will be eating every day.
Fats Fats will be your main source of energy.
They are well known for dramatically increasing testosterone levels, by up to 300%.
Healthy fats you should eat are avocados, olive oil, butter, cream, coconut cream, nuts, almond butter, egg yolks, meat and poultry fats.
Eat mainly saturated and monounsaturated fats for the best muscle gains.
Avoid trans fatty acids and be careful with polyunsaturated fats as these can be unstable.
Fats are a great source of energy as they contain 9 calories per gram compared to the other two macro nutrients that only offer 4 calories per gram.
They also don't cause an insulin spike and this will allow your body to continue burning fat all day - creating a lean muscular body.