How Is Network Marketing Like a Religion? 3rd of 3
This is the third of three in the series "How Network Marketing is Like A Religion.
" As the last two articles pointed out, to me, there a a few similarities between the church I went to as a kid and network marketing.
This last point is kind of funny to me and so I will be discussing it more at length.
My parents divorced early in my childhood and had very different beliefs when it came to religion.
My father was of the mindset that if he wanted to have a relationship with God, he would find it on his own.
He did not want anybody trying to shove their views and beliefs down his throat.
To this day, if you were to talk to him and try to "convert" him so to speak, he would end the conversation abruptly, and turn in the other direction.
My Mother on the other hand is the polar opposite.
She will talk to anyone about her faith, whether they want to hear it or not.
She can get all fire and brimstone and when I was younger, it used to scare me.
I laugh about it today.
That was not her intention.
She is just so passionate about it that she wants the whole world to know what it has done for her and how it can help you too.
My brother, when approached with the subject in this fashion automatically shuts himself off and will not have any part of it.
Doesn't that kind of sound like the old network marketing mentality? How has that been working for you? If you have been running to every Tom, Dick, and Harry making them listen to you rant and rave about your business, how receptive have they been? Maybe if religion took on the approach of attraction marketing, they would fill the church pews with people who genuinely believed they were getting something of value.
Instead of "Okay, I will go to service on Sunday if it will shut you up.
Don't expect me to answer the altar call just because you got me there.
" Attraction marketing is a much better approach.
If you are not familiar with it, and are in Network Marketing, then it is something I think you need to look into.
It basically markets with the standpoint that if you establish yourself as an expert in your field/product and offer your services and opinions free or at a reduced rate in the form of e-books, videos, webinars, then you don't have to go "shoving" your business down everybody's throats.
The ones who are truly interested come looking for you.
That sounds like a much better way of doing business right? Wouldn't it be something if maybe that was the way promoting religion was to be like all along? Promoting it without being made to feel guilty or obligated until more was found out about it even if it took more than one service.
In my business attraction marketing is my foundation.
It is how network marketers today are attracting new business leads targeted for what they have to offer.
My prospects come looking for me ready to make a transaction.
" As the last two articles pointed out, to me, there a a few similarities between the church I went to as a kid and network marketing.
This last point is kind of funny to me and so I will be discussing it more at length.
My parents divorced early in my childhood and had very different beliefs when it came to religion.
My father was of the mindset that if he wanted to have a relationship with God, he would find it on his own.
He did not want anybody trying to shove their views and beliefs down his throat.
To this day, if you were to talk to him and try to "convert" him so to speak, he would end the conversation abruptly, and turn in the other direction.
My Mother on the other hand is the polar opposite.
She will talk to anyone about her faith, whether they want to hear it or not.
She can get all fire and brimstone and when I was younger, it used to scare me.
I laugh about it today.
That was not her intention.
She is just so passionate about it that she wants the whole world to know what it has done for her and how it can help you too.
My brother, when approached with the subject in this fashion automatically shuts himself off and will not have any part of it.
Doesn't that kind of sound like the old network marketing mentality? How has that been working for you? If you have been running to every Tom, Dick, and Harry making them listen to you rant and rave about your business, how receptive have they been? Maybe if religion took on the approach of attraction marketing, they would fill the church pews with people who genuinely believed they were getting something of value.
Instead of "Okay, I will go to service on Sunday if it will shut you up.
Don't expect me to answer the altar call just because you got me there.
" Attraction marketing is a much better approach.
If you are not familiar with it, and are in Network Marketing, then it is something I think you need to look into.
It basically markets with the standpoint that if you establish yourself as an expert in your field/product and offer your services and opinions free or at a reduced rate in the form of e-books, videos, webinars, then you don't have to go "shoving" your business down everybody's throats.
The ones who are truly interested come looking for you.
That sounds like a much better way of doing business right? Wouldn't it be something if maybe that was the way promoting religion was to be like all along? Promoting it without being made to feel guilty or obligated until more was found out about it even if it took more than one service.
In my business attraction marketing is my foundation.
It is how network marketers today are attracting new business leads targeted for what they have to offer.
My prospects come looking for me ready to make a transaction.