Thinking Hard About Having a Lower Face Lift
A lower face lift is a surgical procedure that is designed to tighten the skin in the face and neck to reduce the signs of aging.
This means that only a portion of the face is touched.
A lower face-lift is the preferred method for those with sagging cheeks and jowls.
Deep wrinkles around the mouth and the jaw line can also be remedied by this kind of face lift.
This is performed by making a small incision that extends from the front of the ear and extends down and behind the ear.
A short incision is made under the chin when a neck lift is performed along with the procedure.
The surgeon separates the skin and removes excess tissue before tightening the skin and closing it with sutures.
Downsides to a Lower Face Lift While these are expected outcomes, bruising and pain are two other undesirable effects of a lower face lift.
Pain and bruising are expected to persist within several weeks to months after the surgery and full healing from the incisions will take months.
Scarring is minimal with a procedure such as this, as the incisions made are usually hidden by the hairline.
The scars will usually turn a noticeable pink before becoming white within a few weeks.
However, botched operations can lead to very visible and open wounds that can lead to pretty ugly scarring.
Another downside to the face-lift is the cost.
A typical lower face lift can cost you around $7,000.
Depending on the procedure the lower face lift can cost you around $4,000 to $10,000.
This makes procedures like this a difficult option for those do not have this kind of amount.
You can expect more if you are planning to couple other procedures such as a neck lift or a brow lift.
Aside from the above, another downside to the face lift is that not everyone can have it.
Those who have concomitant medical problems and increased risk is seen in cigarette smokers and those suffering from hypertension and diabetes are not good candidates for a surgical procedure such as this.
Dangers of a Lower Face Lift The dangers of a lower face-lift are the same as the dangers to any other kind of surgery.
From bleeding to possible infection of the incisions, there are a number of possible reactions that can pose a threat to your health once you undergo a face-lift, even one that is concentrated to just a portion of your face.
Patients are also at a risk for developing adverse reactions against medications and the anesthesia used during surgery.
One serious risk that comes with this procedure is the risk for nerve damage.
Manipulation of the facial muscles can result to nerve trauma, which can lead to a loss of feeling in the affected areas.
Post surgical depression is another risk.
Individuals who are prone to depression can develop the condition after surgery as a side effect of anesthesia and other drugs.
Having to stay at home after surgery and not being able to do the things one has done before for a period of several weeks can also predispose certain individuals to depression.
This means that only a portion of the face is touched.
A lower face-lift is the preferred method for those with sagging cheeks and jowls.
Deep wrinkles around the mouth and the jaw line can also be remedied by this kind of face lift.
This is performed by making a small incision that extends from the front of the ear and extends down and behind the ear.
A short incision is made under the chin when a neck lift is performed along with the procedure.
The surgeon separates the skin and removes excess tissue before tightening the skin and closing it with sutures.
Downsides to a Lower Face Lift While these are expected outcomes, bruising and pain are two other undesirable effects of a lower face lift.
Pain and bruising are expected to persist within several weeks to months after the surgery and full healing from the incisions will take months.
Scarring is minimal with a procedure such as this, as the incisions made are usually hidden by the hairline.
The scars will usually turn a noticeable pink before becoming white within a few weeks.
However, botched operations can lead to very visible and open wounds that can lead to pretty ugly scarring.
Another downside to the face-lift is the cost.
A typical lower face lift can cost you around $7,000.
Depending on the procedure the lower face lift can cost you around $4,000 to $10,000.
This makes procedures like this a difficult option for those do not have this kind of amount.
You can expect more if you are planning to couple other procedures such as a neck lift or a brow lift.
Aside from the above, another downside to the face lift is that not everyone can have it.
Those who have concomitant medical problems and increased risk is seen in cigarette smokers and those suffering from hypertension and diabetes are not good candidates for a surgical procedure such as this.
Dangers of a Lower Face Lift The dangers of a lower face-lift are the same as the dangers to any other kind of surgery.
From bleeding to possible infection of the incisions, there are a number of possible reactions that can pose a threat to your health once you undergo a face-lift, even one that is concentrated to just a portion of your face.
Patients are also at a risk for developing adverse reactions against medications and the anesthesia used during surgery.
One serious risk that comes with this procedure is the risk for nerve damage.
Manipulation of the facial muscles can result to nerve trauma, which can lead to a loss of feeling in the affected areas.
Post surgical depression is another risk.
Individuals who are prone to depression can develop the condition after surgery as a side effect of anesthesia and other drugs.
Having to stay at home after surgery and not being able to do the things one has done before for a period of several weeks can also predispose certain individuals to depression.