How to Cite Plato's Symposium
- 1). Use MLA guidelines for papers related to the humanities and liberal arts. Enter "Symposium" citation information as:
Plato. Symposium (in italics). Trans. Seth Benardete. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2001. Print. - 2). Apply CMS guidelines to works written at graduate and post-graduate academic levels. Use Chicago Notes and Bibliography System for works. Write a footnote or endnote for the "Symposium" as follows (italicize the title of the book):
1. Plato. Symposium (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2001), page number. - 3). Follow APA style guidelines for works written in the social sciences. Provide bibliography data for the "Symposium" in the following way:
Plato, (2001). Symposium. Chicago: Chicago University Press.