You Only Get the Weight You Picture
We don't always get what we want, and we usually don't always get what we deserve, but most of the time we do get what we expect.
This thinking both good and bad is critical to our weight loss success.
Our actions usually are in line with the picture we have of ourselves in our mind.
People who expect to fail at losing weight usually do, and bring it on themselves.
People who expect to succeed at losing weight usually make it happen.
So what you need to do is to want to lose weight badly.
You need to picture what it will be like.
You need to see it and feel it.
Only then will you be starting on the road to weight loss success.
Dennis Waitley calls this "Pre-programming.
" This is where we can see the outcome so often and so clear that our actions make it happen.
So, how are you picturing your weight loss? Are you picturing success or failure? Do you focus and picture success or failure? Are you setting yourself up for a picture of a beautiful future? This can be tough to understand, but it is true that we only get what we picture! So picture it and create your future.
Then work to make it happen.
Remember, weight loss success will not happen by accident.
If it occurs accidentally then you may have a medical problem.
Weight loss success will only happen if you picture it, prepare for it, and then focus positive action towards it.
So, picture it and make it happen.
Click on the link below to discover the 7 things that will keep you from losing the weight you desire.
This thinking both good and bad is critical to our weight loss success.
Our actions usually are in line with the picture we have of ourselves in our mind.
People who expect to fail at losing weight usually do, and bring it on themselves.
People who expect to succeed at losing weight usually make it happen.
So what you need to do is to want to lose weight badly.
You need to picture what it will be like.
You need to see it and feel it.
Only then will you be starting on the road to weight loss success.
Dennis Waitley calls this "Pre-programming.
" This is where we can see the outcome so often and so clear that our actions make it happen.
So, how are you picturing your weight loss? Are you picturing success or failure? Do you focus and picture success or failure? Are you setting yourself up for a picture of a beautiful future? This can be tough to understand, but it is true that we only get what we picture! So picture it and create your future.
Then work to make it happen.
Remember, weight loss success will not happen by accident.
If it occurs accidentally then you may have a medical problem.
Weight loss success will only happen if you picture it, prepare for it, and then focus positive action towards it.
So, picture it and make it happen.
Click on the link below to discover the 7 things that will keep you from losing the weight you desire.