The 3 Principles To Get Six Pack Abs
Have you ever seen someone take their shirt off to reveal six pack abs.
However, when it's your turn you show that you have a barrel under your shirt.
Maybe not a barrel but a flat stomach with 0 abs.
You then become motivated to work at getting washboard abs like there is no tomorrow.
You have the picture of the guy you saw with ripped abs in your mind and you want to be just like him.
At the end of a month you pull your shirt up hoping to see a chiseled core area but you see nothing.
You tighten your stomach area and look harder in the mirror and just see the vague outline of abs.
If your plan is to walk around tightening your stomach, then welcome to the club.
You made it in just barely.
Actually more like squeaked your way in until you get tired of holding in your stomach.
So then what are the steps or actions required to get into this elite club of having well defined six pack abs.
Well most people will not get in because of their diet.
That's the starting point of any fitness goal.
It's easier to go through the drive through, order pizza, or just eat any and every thing than it is to discipline yourself to get ripped abs.
The first principle is to eat smaller amounts of food more frequently.
Every 3 hours you should be getting ready to eat something more nutritious.
You eat smaller amounts of food so that your body will not store a lot of it as fat.
You eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism burning fat.
Think of throwing logs into a furnace regularly.
The fire becomes more fierce as it has more logs to consume.
It is the same way your metabolism speeds up the fat burning process.
Metabolism is simply the amount of calories (fat or energy) your body burns.
This well help to get your overall body fat low enough so that you can get your six pack abs.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
You will get carbs to sustain you during the day from them.
Eat a protein, fat and carb with every meal.
Fry chicken is not a healthy protein choice because it has too much fat which equals a lot of calories.
Eat your potatoes, wheat bread, bran cereal, oatmeal type of carbs closer to your workout.
This will give you the energy to perform your workout.
If you workout in the afternoon eat mostly veggies and fruits for carbs in the earlier part of the day.
Know your calorie intake and create a deficit by burning more calories than you consume.
You can Google a free online calorie calculator to know what should be your daily intake.
The second principle is to ensure you do a workout that causes you to burn enough calories to get your washboard abs.
If you do weights continue doing weights but do some intense cardio at the end to speed up your metabolism.
You can sprint on the treadmill or outdoors.
Sprint for 20 seconds and then jog for 10 seconds.
Do a set of 5 or how much you are capable of doing.
You can superset your workouts where you work your upper body and then you work your lower body (bench press then squats).
You will spend less time in the gym but train with the intensity to boost your metabolism which will continue to burn fat hours after you workout.
You can also do a high intensity interval routine (HIIT) if you don't have access to a gym.
A HIIT routine may look like 20 pushups, 20 squats, 20 pullups, 20 lunges, 20 elevated pushups, 20 jump squats, 20 pullups, 20 jump lunges.
You can then rest for 1 minute and repeat the whole circuit 3 to 5 times.
You can add exercises, increase the reps, do the reps timed or even do the routine in the gym doing the exercises with weights.
The idea is to do an intense routine to so that your metabolism is still working in overdrive after your workout.
The third principle is to give yourself time to see results, believe you can accomplish your goals and stay disciplined and consistent to principle 1 and 2.
Well the last principle is more like 3 or 4 principles all in one but nevertheless they all help to get the job.
After a while you will get ripped abs and get ready to join the ranks of the elite six pack abs club.
However, when it's your turn you show that you have a barrel under your shirt.
Maybe not a barrel but a flat stomach with 0 abs.
You then become motivated to work at getting washboard abs like there is no tomorrow.
You have the picture of the guy you saw with ripped abs in your mind and you want to be just like him.
At the end of a month you pull your shirt up hoping to see a chiseled core area but you see nothing.
You tighten your stomach area and look harder in the mirror and just see the vague outline of abs.
If your plan is to walk around tightening your stomach, then welcome to the club.
You made it in just barely.
Actually more like squeaked your way in until you get tired of holding in your stomach.
So then what are the steps or actions required to get into this elite club of having well defined six pack abs.
Well most people will not get in because of their diet.
That's the starting point of any fitness goal.
It's easier to go through the drive through, order pizza, or just eat any and every thing than it is to discipline yourself to get ripped abs.
The first principle is to eat smaller amounts of food more frequently.
Every 3 hours you should be getting ready to eat something more nutritious.
You eat smaller amounts of food so that your body will not store a lot of it as fat.
You eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism burning fat.
Think of throwing logs into a furnace regularly.
The fire becomes more fierce as it has more logs to consume.
It is the same way your metabolism speeds up the fat burning process.
Metabolism is simply the amount of calories (fat or energy) your body burns.
This well help to get your overall body fat low enough so that you can get your six pack abs.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
You will get carbs to sustain you during the day from them.
Eat a protein, fat and carb with every meal.
Fry chicken is not a healthy protein choice because it has too much fat which equals a lot of calories.
Eat your potatoes, wheat bread, bran cereal, oatmeal type of carbs closer to your workout.
This will give you the energy to perform your workout.
If you workout in the afternoon eat mostly veggies and fruits for carbs in the earlier part of the day.
Know your calorie intake and create a deficit by burning more calories than you consume.
You can Google a free online calorie calculator to know what should be your daily intake.
The second principle is to ensure you do a workout that causes you to burn enough calories to get your washboard abs.
If you do weights continue doing weights but do some intense cardio at the end to speed up your metabolism.
You can sprint on the treadmill or outdoors.
Sprint for 20 seconds and then jog for 10 seconds.
Do a set of 5 or how much you are capable of doing.
You can superset your workouts where you work your upper body and then you work your lower body (bench press then squats).
You will spend less time in the gym but train with the intensity to boost your metabolism which will continue to burn fat hours after you workout.
You can also do a high intensity interval routine (HIIT) if you don't have access to a gym.
A HIIT routine may look like 20 pushups, 20 squats, 20 pullups, 20 lunges, 20 elevated pushups, 20 jump squats, 20 pullups, 20 jump lunges.
You can then rest for 1 minute and repeat the whole circuit 3 to 5 times.
You can add exercises, increase the reps, do the reps timed or even do the routine in the gym doing the exercises with weights.
The idea is to do an intense routine to so that your metabolism is still working in overdrive after your workout.
The third principle is to give yourself time to see results, believe you can accomplish your goals and stay disciplined and consistent to principle 1 and 2.
Well the last principle is more like 3 or 4 principles all in one but nevertheless they all help to get the job.
After a while you will get ripped abs and get ready to join the ranks of the elite six pack abs club.