Entry Way Landscaping Ideas
- Be creative when landscaping your front entry way.walkway image by Larry Roberg from Fotolia.com
The front entry way or walkway gives the first impression of your house to visitors or passersby on the curb. This functional path provides a safe passage from the road to your front door and should be decorative so it stands out in the landscape. Add personal and decorative touches that interest and capture visitors' attention every step of the way as they walk from the curb to your front door. - Design the path that leads from the gate to the porch so it stands out. Keep it straight or curved depending on space available. While straight paths look more uniform and symmetrical, softly curved ones add an informal touch to the area.
Depending on personal taste, use pebbles, stones, concrete or grass to form the entry way path. All materials come in a variety of hues, allowing homeowners to select the ones that blend with the overall design of the house. Confine gravel or pebbles used in the pathway with edging on both sides to prevent them from spreading. Landscaping tiles in a variety of shapes and sizes can be placed adjacent to one another, or space them evenly apart with grass planted in between for varied color and texture.
Keep the path at least 4 feet wide to accommodate two people walking alongside at the same time, and 5 feet wide for a wheelchair. - Lighting is an inexpensive way to enhance landscaping. Depending on personal taste, use standard white or yellow lights or different colored ones to create a magical scene every night. Install solar lights around the entry way, or strategically placed spotlights that enhance key focal points around the entryway while provide an illuminated passage for visitors. Lamp posts, albeit costly, come in different shapes and material that blend with the exterior of almost any home to elegantly illuminate the entry way.
- Add decorative accents to the entry way that captivate visitor's attention until they reach the front door. Edge your path with tiny accent annuals, biennials or perennials native to your environment for a colorful and warm welcome. Select ones that are fragrant and give off a pleasant scent while also attracting butterflies.
For a longer entry way, plant evergreens spaced equally apart that provide color all year round. Install trellises with colorful rose vines that serve as vertical walls. Group containers of varying heights in descending order to form a captivating container garden.
Hang wind chimes, Chinese lanterns or hanging baskets from tall light posts that edge the entry way to enhance interest at varying eye levels. Install a birdbath or fountain just along the edge.