How to Plant Celery
- 1). Place the celery seeds in a small bowl of room-temperature water and allow them to soak overnight.
- 2). Fill small planting pots with moist seed-starting soil. Dip the end of a toothpick into water and then onto a celery seed. You should be able to pick them up individually in this manner. Place the seeds on the surface of the soil and sprinkle 1/8 inch of soil over them. Plant four to five seeds per pot.
- 3). Place the pots in an area that receives indirect sun. Keep the soil moist at all times while the seeds germinate, which should occur within three weeks.
- 4). Thin the celery seedlings to one per pot when they reach 2 inches in height. Continue to keep the soil moist. Transplant the celery seedlings into the garden when the temperatures warm and the plants are 6 inches tall.
- 5). Check the pH of the soil in the planting bed. You want to aim for a pH of 5.2 to 6.5. Contact your county cooperative extension office for recommendations on how to raise or lower the pH in your area.
- 6). Plant the celery seedlings at the same depth at which they have been growing in the pots, 8 inches apart.