Video: How to Artificially Pollinate Melon
Video Transcript
Hello, this is Mindy McIntosh-Shetter from Mindar the Gardening Gnome and Dirt to Dining University and today I'm going to show you how to artificially pollinate melons. Now melons have two different types of blooms. They have a female bloom which has like a little fruit on the end and you have a male bloom which is just a simple stem. Now how you pollinate is you're going to pick off a male bloom and you're going to rub it into the center of the female bloom and you're going to keep rubbing until you make sure that the pollen has gotten in there. Now, to know whether your flower, your female flower has been pollinated what you're going to look for is this fruit right here and that is a fruit that has been fertilized and will turn into a melon in a couple of weeks. So give this technique a try. Until we meet in the garden again, this has been Mindy McIntosh-Shetter from Mindar the Gardening Gnome and Dirt to Dining University.