Common Alternator Problems
- If your car has a dead battery on a regular basis, you may be having alternator problems.Luxury Car sportscar from my luxury car series image by alma_sacra from
The alternator in a car is responsible for charging the battery and powering the accessories in and on the car, like the radio, the air conditioner and the head- and taillights. If your alternator is not working properly, your vehicle won't be working properly for long. Signs of a malfunctioning alternator can include a frequently dead battery, dim headlights or a general loss of electrical power. If your alternator has stopped working, you will have to repair or replace it if you want your car to operate properly. - The alternator in your car is driven by a belt-and-pulley system that turns the alternator motor as the engine runs. If the serpentine belt that attaches to the pulley breaks or becomes too loose and slips, the alternator will not turn at a suitable rate, meaning it lacks the juice to properly maintain a healthy battery charge and power the accessories. Over time, your battery will run dead due to the lack of charging power.
- Alternators have built-in fans that are supposed to keep them from overheating. However, if the fan stops working or if the vehicle runs for a long period of time on a hot day, the alternator can overheat. Overheating can damage wiring and the parts on the inside of the alternator.
- Alternators have diodes inside them that convert the alternating current into a direct current and create a charge that powers the battery. There are normally six diodes, three positive ones and three negative. If the diodes fail, the amount of power the alternator is able to produce will diminish. Under such a circumstance, the alternator will not charge your battery properly, often causing a loss of power in the electrical system.
Slipping or Broken Belt