Solar ups for home - Get power at home in natural way
Solar UPS consists of a solar panel uses that energy from the sun to provide power to home. There are two types of solar energy powered ups one is one grid and another is off grid. The off grid systems are totally independent system and does not require local utility service.
The extra power is stored in batteries and utilized at night or when there is a cloudy atmosphere. The UPS have built in chargers to make optimum use of solar panels.
Why solar ups for homes?
The inevitable natural disasters and unexpected AC main lines damages sometimes makes home owners go without electric power for a long span of time. This brings a standstill to majority of the important tasks in homes and office. If we have a solar ups backup system installed it will provide current back up during disaster period.
In critical conditions we cannot gather resources to run mechanical generator system. The lack of transportation facilities and implementation cost will further add burden from getting quick relief from the problems. If we switch over to solar ups for homes it provides a remedy to the problems discussed above.
Tips to remember while installation of solar ups for homes:
• Orienting the solar panels to the south increases the effectiveness of energy collection.
• Try to find an ideal place that will make sunlight to fall on the panel for the same amount on both the seasons of summer and winter.
• The system will work properly if there is no debris falling on it and the panels are well sealed to protect it from moisture content. You need to do a regular inspection and maintenance this will increase the life span of the panel.
• Go for modern technology ups which can operate on both solar and grid power.
• Check about the net metering which is an agreement between you and the utility provider. This is based on the concept that if your system generates more energy than use your electric meter will run backwards and it will generate credits. We need to make sure
if we are benefited from net metering concept.
• Make a detailed check about the company which is selling these products. Go for a manufacturer who is there in this field for sufficient amount of time.
• The initial installation cost is very high but since it is a onetime investment we need to plan our financial condition.
Advantages of solar ups for homes:
• Get financial benefits from the state government for electricity you produce.
• Contributing in protecting the non renewable energy sources.
• Carbon foot print reduction and protecting the environment.
• Helps in reducing the electricity bill
So if you are looking to purchase solar ups for home from any company collect all the detailed information and go the greener way.
The extra power is stored in batteries and utilized at night or when there is a cloudy atmosphere. The UPS have built in chargers to make optimum use of solar panels.
Why solar ups for homes?
The inevitable natural disasters and unexpected AC main lines damages sometimes makes home owners go without electric power for a long span of time. This brings a standstill to majority of the important tasks in homes and office. If we have a solar ups backup system installed it will provide current back up during disaster period.
In critical conditions we cannot gather resources to run mechanical generator system. The lack of transportation facilities and implementation cost will further add burden from getting quick relief from the problems. If we switch over to solar ups for homes it provides a remedy to the problems discussed above.
Tips to remember while installation of solar ups for homes:
• Orienting the solar panels to the south increases the effectiveness of energy collection.
• Try to find an ideal place that will make sunlight to fall on the panel for the same amount on both the seasons of summer and winter.
• The system will work properly if there is no debris falling on it and the panels are well sealed to protect it from moisture content. You need to do a regular inspection and maintenance this will increase the life span of the panel.
• Go for modern technology ups which can operate on both solar and grid power.
• Check about the net metering which is an agreement between you and the utility provider. This is based on the concept that if your system generates more energy than use your electric meter will run backwards and it will generate credits. We need to make sure
if we are benefited from net metering concept.
• Make a detailed check about the company which is selling these products. Go for a manufacturer who is there in this field for sufficient amount of time.
• The initial installation cost is very high but since it is a onetime investment we need to plan our financial condition.
Advantages of solar ups for homes:
• Get financial benefits from the state government for electricity you produce.
• Contributing in protecting the non renewable energy sources.
• Carbon foot print reduction and protecting the environment.
• Helps in reducing the electricity bill
So if you are looking to purchase solar ups for home from any company collect all the detailed information and go the greener way.