Achieving a Massive Chest
There is nothing more impressive than seeing someone walking through the mall with a chest so huge that it looks like a caged animal is about to rip out.
This isn't about having good pectorals (Pecs), but being the biggest bear walking around.
There are many ways exercises that will help your to get a nice looking chest but the right combination will get you "the chest".
This article will guide you in unleashing the beast of a chest.
Flat Bench Presses Flat bench presses are used for developing the mid pectorals and should be done first in this routine.
Flat Bench Flys The flat bench flys should be done second in which they give that wide sweep in your pectorals.
Try to use medium to heavy weight on these for serious results.
Incline Bench Presses Incline bench presses are for developing your upper pectorals.
These should be done as the third exercise in the routine.
Decline Bench Presses Decline bench presses are for developing the lower pectorals.
The lower pectorals are often overlooked which results in a poorly developed chest.
These are done fourth in your routine.
Sets and Repetitions The ideal weight for the presses is about eighty percent of your maximum.
It is desired to achieve six to eight repetitions for maximum size.
If you have to adjust the weight, then that is acceptable.
The amount of sets required per exercise is at least three and no more than six.
It is very important to not take more than one minute of rest between sets.
If you can do more than six sets per exercise with no problem, then you are not lifting heavy enough.
This is how your routine will look.
Flat Bench 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions Flat Bench Flys 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions Incline Bench 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions Decline Bench 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions For more bodybuilding information please feel free to visit my site at The Muscle Hut.
This isn't about having good pectorals (Pecs), but being the biggest bear walking around.
There are many ways exercises that will help your to get a nice looking chest but the right combination will get you "the chest".
This article will guide you in unleashing the beast of a chest.
Flat Bench Presses Flat bench presses are used for developing the mid pectorals and should be done first in this routine.
Flat Bench Flys The flat bench flys should be done second in which they give that wide sweep in your pectorals.
Try to use medium to heavy weight on these for serious results.
Incline Bench Presses Incline bench presses are for developing your upper pectorals.
These should be done as the third exercise in the routine.
Decline Bench Presses Decline bench presses are for developing the lower pectorals.
The lower pectorals are often overlooked which results in a poorly developed chest.
These are done fourth in your routine.
Sets and Repetitions The ideal weight for the presses is about eighty percent of your maximum.
It is desired to achieve six to eight repetitions for maximum size.
If you have to adjust the weight, then that is acceptable.
The amount of sets required per exercise is at least three and no more than six.
It is very important to not take more than one minute of rest between sets.
If you can do more than six sets per exercise with no problem, then you are not lifting heavy enough.
This is how your routine will look.
Flat Bench 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions Flat Bench Flys 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions Incline Bench 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions Decline Bench 3-6 sets of 6-8 repetitions For more bodybuilding information please feel free to visit my site at The Muscle Hut.