How to Unlock the Saloon in the J6 Area of AQWorlds
- 1). Click the Sandsea area on the world map, then click on the Pencil Puddle area to travel there. Walk to the east to encounter a Sketchy Dragon; fight and defeat it to obtain J6's Secret Hideout Map.
- 2). Look at the world map once you have defeated the Sketchy Dragon and click Dwakel to travel there. Head to the east until you have traveled across three screens. Approach the boiler in this area and click on the red button to acquire the Dwakel Decoder.
- 3). Pull up your inventory and click on J6's Secret Hideout Map, then click the "Equip" button to equip it. Your cursor turns into a magnifying glass icon with a small circle in it; the circle changes colors when you hover over hidden places and objects.
- 4). Look to the bottom right corner of the screen to see the coordinates on the map as you move the magnifying glass. Drag your mouse around until you find the coordinates (350, 190) and click on this spot to travel there. Walk north to get to The Rusty Spittoon saloon.