Hot Tips on How to Gain Weight
Do you want to lose weight? This is the question that most people are obsessed about nowadays.
Well what about the skinny people out there? For a long time the needs of skinny people have been left out by the society.
Skinny people also desire to develop that perfect body composition just like anyone else.
This article has been specifically tailored to meet the needs of all those skinny people who have been unable to find an appropriate and effective weight adding program out there.
Unlike what many people might tell you, gaining weight is quite simple.
With that in mind I hope that I have caught your full attention, as we begin to explore the simple tips which if you are able to follow by the book, will guarantee you 100 percent success.
If you want to gain weight and I mean muscles not fat you have to follow three doctrines.
Doctrine No.
1 Thou should break from the normal convention of taking three meals a day and instead take five meals.
The reasoning behind this is to allow you to add about 400 to 500 calories to your body each day if possible.
This is especially helpful for those people who are hard gainers and the conventional breakfast, lunch and dinner has proven to be ineffective.
The advantage of taking frequent meals is that it allows your body to be able to absorb most of the nutrient you eat.
This is a major determinant in determining the amount of mass you will actually gain.
Like I stated earlier your number one objective in gaining weight should be to add more muscles and not fat.
So that this does not happen ensure that take a lot of carbohydrates and proteins in your meal.
The most appropriate ratio should be as follows; 30-40% carbs, 30-40% proteins and minimize fat to as low as 20-30% fat.
Your fat intake must be gotten from essential fatty acids such as avocado and olive oil.
Doctrine No.
2 Thou should be willing to exercise.
When I say exercise I don't mean normal routine but actual high intensity training.
If you want to build your muscles, it's the intensity of the training which matters and not the amount of training.
Pay special attention on training which will work out multiple muscle groups.
Squats and bench press will be especially useful for this purpose.
As a reminder, do not overdo your training as this would a negative result to what you are looking for.
This could make you not achieve full muscle growth.
Vast amount of exercise is recommended for those people, who want to lose weight, since you burn off more calories.
Therefore for those people who want to gain weight, they should use a totally different approach.
They should instead go for a short duration, high intensity workouts.
If you want to gain weight then you should reduce on the mount of calories you burn in your workouts, they are essential for muscle building.
Doctrine No.
3 Thou shall give thyself time to sleep.
This will help you save on energy and calories which are needed in muscle building.
Follow these three doctrines and you will be a complete success.
Well what about the skinny people out there? For a long time the needs of skinny people have been left out by the society.
Skinny people also desire to develop that perfect body composition just like anyone else.
This article has been specifically tailored to meet the needs of all those skinny people who have been unable to find an appropriate and effective weight adding program out there.
Unlike what many people might tell you, gaining weight is quite simple.
With that in mind I hope that I have caught your full attention, as we begin to explore the simple tips which if you are able to follow by the book, will guarantee you 100 percent success.
If you want to gain weight and I mean muscles not fat you have to follow three doctrines.
Doctrine No.
1 Thou should break from the normal convention of taking three meals a day and instead take five meals.
The reasoning behind this is to allow you to add about 400 to 500 calories to your body each day if possible.
This is especially helpful for those people who are hard gainers and the conventional breakfast, lunch and dinner has proven to be ineffective.
The advantage of taking frequent meals is that it allows your body to be able to absorb most of the nutrient you eat.
This is a major determinant in determining the amount of mass you will actually gain.
Like I stated earlier your number one objective in gaining weight should be to add more muscles and not fat.
So that this does not happen ensure that take a lot of carbohydrates and proteins in your meal.
The most appropriate ratio should be as follows; 30-40% carbs, 30-40% proteins and minimize fat to as low as 20-30% fat.
Your fat intake must be gotten from essential fatty acids such as avocado and olive oil.
Doctrine No.
2 Thou should be willing to exercise.
When I say exercise I don't mean normal routine but actual high intensity training.
If you want to build your muscles, it's the intensity of the training which matters and not the amount of training.
Pay special attention on training which will work out multiple muscle groups.
Squats and bench press will be especially useful for this purpose.
As a reminder, do not overdo your training as this would a negative result to what you are looking for.
This could make you not achieve full muscle growth.
Vast amount of exercise is recommended for those people, who want to lose weight, since you burn off more calories.
Therefore for those people who want to gain weight, they should use a totally different approach.
They should instead go for a short duration, high intensity workouts.
If you want to gain weight then you should reduce on the mount of calories you burn in your workouts, they are essential for muscle building.
Doctrine No.
3 Thou shall give thyself time to sleep.
This will help you save on energy and calories which are needed in muscle building.
Follow these three doctrines and you will be a complete success.