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legal subjects : Law & Legal & Attorney
How to Use Form 7004 for Extension of Time to File a Corporation Tax Return
A corporation can apply for an extension on filing their tax returns by way of Form 7004. If you think you may need the extra time, don't wait. Be proactive and file extension Form 7004 as soon as you recognize the need.
How to Get a Replacement Birth Certificate From Pickens, South Carolina
Losing your birth certificate could be a problem because there are several instances in the course of your lifetime when you might need to present your birth certificate for legal reasons. If you are applying for a passport or a marriage license, you will need a copy of your birth certificate. Fortu
About Power of Attorney
In designating an "attorney-in-fact" or an "agent" you are authorizing that individual to act on your behalf should you be unreachable (out of the state or country) or incapacitated. Anyone who travels extensively---at home or abroad---or who is physically or mentally unable to make competent and in
New Jersey Notary Rules
A Notary Public in the state of New Jersey serves the public in the capacity of a government official, and so is required to adhere to a strict code of conduct. Many types of documents require the seal of a Notary Public for official purposes. When you learn what it takes to qualify as a Notary Publ
Georgia Notary Public Qualifications
A notary public is an officer endorsed by law to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits, and serve as a witness to and authenticate certain documents. Notaries are often required to undertake special training to insure he understands the legal responsibilities of serving as a notar
Rules for New York State Notary Publics
A notary validates a signature on required documents.signature image by kuhar from Fotolia.comA notary public performs many duties including administering oaths and affirmations, taking affidavits and certifying deeds. In New York, a notary public is required to be 18 years of age, a U.S....
Illinois Notary Instructions
An Illinois notary public serves a valuable function in the state's legal transactions. As an officer of the state, the notary public verifies the identity of individuals who sign legal documents and authenticates their signatures. According to the secretary of state, an Illinois notary must follow
What Is an Exculpatory Agreement?
Exculpatory clauses can give a party to a contract a free pass from legal liability. When you agree to an exculpatory clause, you are giving up rights to sue under certain circumstances. Each state has its own laws governing exculpatory clauses, so the rules can vary.
Steps to Become a Notary Public
A notary public is an official appointed by the state to serve as an impartial witness to the signing of certain documents for the purposes of deterring fraud. They can also administer oaths and take depositions and affidavits. Since notaries are state appointed, the steps to become a notary public
How to Obtain a Sibling's Birth Certificate in Florida
Birth certificates are not public records in Florida. Only eligible applicants can obtain birth certificates. Eligible applicants include the person named on the record, parents or legal guardians, the legal representative of one of these persons or a court order. Siblings can obtain birth certifica
What Is Heir Affidavit?
An heir affidavit or heirship affidavit is a written sworn statement used by heirs to gain ownership of property of a deceased person who does not have an established estate or will. The heirship affidavit is needed for the heir to claim legal ownership of said property.
How to Publish Legal Documents in Florida
Florida describes its legal publication requirements in Sections 50.011 through 50.0711 of the Florida Statutes. According to the Florida Attorney General's Office, legal documents must be published in a newspaper of general circulation to satisfy statutory publication requirements.
Section 162 of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act
The Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 sought to correct problems with interstate highways and other national transportation-related issues. Section 162 of this act reallocated funds in New Jersey from an abandoned highway project.
How to Register Birth Certificates in South Africa
Anyone who is born in South Africa or has a parent with South African citizenship can have their birth registered in the country. The department of Home Affairs wants all births to be registered within 30 days but will register births of older children and adults. For late registration, they need a
Georgia Notary Rules
A notary is authorized to certify copies of documents, administer oaths and witness a person's signature on certain legal documents. Georgia law has certain eligibility requirements that must be met for a person to be appointed as a notary. A person can apply for appointment by submitting...
How to Obtain a Bahamian Birth Certificate
Birth certificates in the Bahamas are stored and issued by the Registrar General's Department located in Nassau. Applicants can choose whether to apply in person or by mail for a copy of a birth certificate.
Are Stores Required to Have Public Restrooms?
While restrooms are needed in most food-serving establishments by law, not all retail stores are required to provide restrooms for customers. Store restroom requirements are based on square footage, occupancy, local and state laws.
How Do I Report Animal Abuse at Pet Stores?
Witnessing animal abuse at the hands of pet store employees can be distressing. Abuse can include overcrowding, neglect and physical abuse. If animal abuse is not reported in a hasty manner, the animal could suffer serious injuries or death as a result. Immediately notifying an animal control or law
How to Obtain a DAV Lawyer
DAV stands for Disabled American Veterans, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the legal rights of veterans and their dependents. DAV offers veterans a variety of services, including benefits assistance, outreach programs and career opportunities. If you're a veteran or the family membe
Civil Law Penalties in Tennessee for Registered Nurses
Registered nurses in Tennessee are governed by several state civil codes.Tennessee state contour against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comRegistered nurses have penalties that are inflicted on them for transgressions such as medical malpractice and breach of...
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