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Anxiety : Health & Medical
Social Anxiety and the Amygdala
Much of our social anxiety is caused by an area in the brain called the amygdala. In this post I describe how the amygdala works to increase our anxiety and some treatments we can pursue to restructure and rewire our amygdalas.
Anxiety Problem Symptoms - Are You Under Siege?
About 20 percent from the world's population suffer some form of anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, as indicated by statistical data from the World Wellness Organization (WHO). Panic attacks and phobias are some from the ways in which this disease is present not only manifested via
How to Over Come Panic Attacks and Anxiety Naturally
From ages to ages, people have been using natural remedies and to some people its kind of like the best option available. The problem is there are so many of them and choosing one of them might be a problem because you do not know if it will work or not.
What Are Panic Attacks?
Panic attacks are common -- and scary. Learn more about panic disorder from WebMD.
No Surprise Here - Survey Finds the Economy is a Significant Source of Stress Symptoms
A recent Stress in America survey carried out in September found that 80% of Americans felt that the economy was a significant reason for experiencing stress symptoms in their lives. This figure is up from 66% back in April 2008.
Finding The Best Psychological Treatment For Your Worst Anxiety - Part 8
In this articles of the series "Finding The Best Psychological Treatment For Your Worst Anxiety", I present you with general concepts of 'Psychodynamic' and 'Psychoanalytic ' psychology, and related therapy. I am showing you how to map related programs, for treating Anx
A Life Without Fear
Fear can influence us to avoid those actions which could drastically improve our life for the better and is usually the main cause for failure to achieve our life goals. Fear of the unknown and of possible discomfort lead us to make excuses and avoid such situation despite the logical part of our mi
4 Situations Which Cause Panic Attack Driving Experiences - Be Cautious While Driving
Taking a holiday getaway on a Sunday afternoon is one thing people usually count on and take for granted. For some people though, this scenario will only cause them to experience driving panic attacks. If this happens to you a lot, it is in all likelihood because you have developed some form of phob
Learn About The Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety
By now none of us are unaware that stress is a part of our lives and this is something that, as much as we might want to escape it, we simply have to find a way to deal with. When we can get a good understanding of how stress is affecting us in our daily lives, we can beat it. When you start to look
Relieve Anxiety - Panic Attack Treatment That Works
Combating panic attacks is never an easy task since the breathing difficulty and unexpected dizziness during an attack give off negative memories and make the event hard to forget. Furthermore, an immediate onset of atypical sweating would make you think, "Why do I have to suffer this? I know t
6 Ways to Be Anxiety Attack Free
An anxiety attack is a sudden surge of overwhelming fear that comes without warning and without any apparent reason and usually lasts for no more than 10 minutes.This strong sensation actually creates fear because it seems like you are actually dying.An anxiety attack is characterized by intense epi
Anxiety Cures to Combat the Stress Naturally
With so much stress being created due to our busy lives, it is no wonder that many people are actively seeking anxiety cures. Most people have a natural instinct to become anxious or worried when their lives seem threatened. This feeling of uneasiness can produce symptoms that are common to anxiety.
What is a Panic Attack? 5 Signs
A panic attack is a sudden rush of anxiety. That leaves you with feelings of dizziness, your heart racing and you feeling out of breath, and out of control.
Are There Really Natural Ways to Stop Panic Attacks?
If you suffer from panic and anxiety attacks, you've probably spent what seems like days in front of a computer searching for an alternative to common panic treatments. Have you had any luck? For the longest time I didn't until I found a hidden gem of a concept.
Help For Christians Fighting Anxiety
When a Christian is afraid, he or she is committed to ideas which can help control the panic, alleviate the anxiety, or even overcome the fear. Of course, if you are in harm's way, the first thing to do is get yourself out as best you can. But in many fearful circumstances, a Christian's p
Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Anxiety
Cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety is therapy to break the cycle of wrong thinking. It gives a person back control, educates and changes the way certain patterns or way of life have been lived.
A Couple Of Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Do Not Make An Anxiety Disorder
There are several symptoms of anxiety disorder. To actually have an anxiety disorder, you don't have to have experienced all of these symptoms. It is important to know what the symptoms of anxiety disorder are so you can tell if this condition is approaching. However, actually having an anxiety
Are Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorder Controlling Your Life Today?
Download some techniques that have been proven to help cure and eliminate panic attacks and try the techniques. Become positive in your lifestyle and thinking.
Neuroplasticity Exercises in Treating Anxiety
It has been said that what we know about the brain only encompasses approximately 10% of what our brains are fully capable of. There is no question that our brain is capable of performing a small number of countless acts every second of every day. To fully understand each of these millions of countl
The Most Powerful Tool For Overcoming Anxiety and Depression - Ever
Discover one of the most powerful tools ever created to overcome anxiety and depression. It never fails.