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Body building : Health & Medical
Three Muscle Building Techniques
The most important topic when it comes to changing the shape of your body is nutrition. You've probably heard cheesy sayings like "A little on the lips, forever on the hips" and "You are what you eat."
How To Build Muscle - Secrets Revealed Here
Some people get excited about strength training once they study regarding the significant approaches it could strengthen their athletic performance. By following the guidelines in this article, you will be capable of train effectively and to maximize your improvements in strength and speed...
Muscle Building - The Science and Art of Gaining Muscle (It's Simple)
You might think that you are just one of those unlucky few who cannot gain weight. You might laugh when your friends complain about how you never gain any weight but in reality you think otherwise.
Quickly Build Massive Chest Muscles - Top 6 Most Effective Exercises
One of my favorite all time lines from a television sitcom is "Would you rather have rock hard pecks or saggy man breast?" Well think about it, which would you rather have? Men aren't supposed to have breasts, so let's figure out how to get rid of those saggy man breast and build
Body Building - The Safety Issues
Bodybuilding requires dedicated hard work and tremendous discipline. To sculpt your body you will have to work extensively with heavy weights and irons, and ensure that, in the process, none of this has a detrimental effect on your muscles or injures you in anyway. To do this, you will have to take
This One Exercise Could Have Saved This Routine
When you enter into your gym for your workout, do you pay attention to what other people are doing? Do you watch their exercises, the amount of sets, or the amount of repetitions that they do for each set? If you are one of those types of people, then this article might be a little familiar.
7 Explosive Exercises to Show You How to Get Massive Strength in Your Shoulders
These 7 exercises show you how to get massive strength in your shoulders! A unique combination of explosive and slow exercises, moving between single sets and super sets guarantees you build shoulders with more muscle, more definition and more muscular endurance!
Getting Rid of Belly Fat - Quick and Easy Ways of Trimming That Waistline - Get Ripped Fast
Here are a few of my very best tips everyone can follow for getting rid of belly fat. They are so simple, a child could follow them. Let's get to it. There is lots of 'good stuff' that you can put to use.
Muscles and Meditation?
If you are a skinny guy who cannot gain weight maybe you are going in the wrong direction. Learn about the old-time method of speeding up muscle gain without over-training, steroids or protein shakes. You will feel better and healthier in the long run.
The Top 5 Chest Muscle Exercises
This article looks at the top 5 chest muscle exercises that will help to build lean chest muscle, burn fat and help create a body that looks great on any beach. Combined with the right diet and a little dedication, these exercises can produce superb results sooner than you think.
How Long Should My Workout Be?
How long should I work out for? It is common to see people lifting for hours on end. Work harder, get better gains... right? Wrong. The optimal time for working out is between 40-60 minutes.
Bodybuilding For Older Men - How to Stay in Top Shape As You Get Older
As we get older, we all have experienced the slow decline physically that can be associated with aging. Our bodies were built to move and be used. Most older men will begin to slow down physically to some degree which can start a cascade of events that begin to weaken our bodies, by losing muscle ma
Basic Bodybuilding: How To Choose A Gym
Now that you've chosen the path of bodybuilding, the first step is to select a gym that meets your requirements.
Building Muscle - The Important Things You Need To Remember
When building muscle, you need to remember some very essential things. It is important that you do not only get into an exercise routine. It is also necessary that you get into a proper exercise routine that is specifically designed for your body and the preferences you have.
Six Easy Steps to Getting a Sexy Six Pack That Will Last
Michealangelo's David is one of the most famous sculptures known to man. He is not built like a body builder with rippling muscles, but he done have one killer set of abs! If you want to get abs like David's, don't turn to extreme supplements or drastic dieting- those things will lead
How to Get the Abs
Imagine having the 6 pack you always dreamed of. I will give you some information about having ripped abs with the right formula.
How to Gain the Most Lean Muscle Mass - Tips For a Ripped Physique
It seems that most people want to have bulk and be ripped at the same time. Obviously, this is the ideal look when building muscle.
3 Ways to Build Muscle - Get Ripped and Lean
We all know muscle building can be challenging. It may take trying different workouts over a period of time before you find a workout that works for you. Here are several ways that can help you build muscle faster.
Bodybuilders - Time Your Carb Intake to Minimize Fat Gains
If only we could gain muscle without gaining an ounce of fat, huh? Well, this may not be possible for most natural bodybuilders, so the best we can hope for is to minimize fat gains whilst we strive for muscle gains. In this article I'll give you one little-known but powerful way to do this...
5 Things to Know Before You Go to the Gym for Muscle Building
Building muscles is a passion for many. Some of us have the skinny tag and some of us are deemed overweight and obese. We sometimes feel that spark that propels us to the gym in the quest of building a well toned body with rippling muscles. The ideal muscle building process involves weight and cardi