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Children Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
Tips on Child Custody
Since the 1970s, laws governing child custody have changed and evolved. No longer are children haggled over like a residual piece of marital estate; courts of the 21st century consider what is in the child's best interest. The majority of states have adopted laws that do not favor certain types of c
My Spouse Left the US to Avoid Paying Child Support - International Enforcement of Child Support
Failure to pay court-ordered child support carries criminal consequences under both the state and federal statutes.Among other enforcement mechanisms, a state may arrest the "deadbeat dad", it may revoke his driving privileges and/or it may garnish his wages. More importantly, both US citi
The Effectiveness of the Juvenile Justice System
When the juvenile justice system was first founded, disabled, mentally ill, homeless, abused, neglected children and orphans ended up in houses of refuge, which have evolved into today's youth detention facilities. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention reported in 2010...
How to File a Petition in an Illinois Court
A petition is a request submitted to a judge asking her to grant a request by the Petitioner. When you can file a petition varies greatly based upon the type and nature of the petition, but how you file a petition is generally the same. It will require that you draft your petition and file it in the
7 Effective Tips to Win Your Child Custody Battle
The ending of a relationship, whether a separation or a divorce, is a nerve-wracking experience for a couple, let alone having to resolve the child custody issues. In many cases both parents want custody of their children and are willing to give up everything just to win their custody battle. What m
Juvenile Justice & Deliquency Prevention
According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), there are more than 70 million Americans younger than 18 years old. The juvenile population is expected to increase only 8 percent from 1995 to 2015.
What are the Child Custody Rights of the Non-custodial Parent in Ohio?
OverviewWhen parents separate or divorce a court must decide custody of any children. Custody is determined using the “best interests of the child” standard. If a court decides to award sole custody to only one parent, in Ohio the non-custodial parent has the right to...
Laws on Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution
Child labor still exists today in several countries despite laws against¡Ào nepal?- image by Diorgi from Fotolia.comThe beginning of the Industrial Revolution created profound changes in the world. New inventions for agriculture, mining and transport spawned a growing need for...
How to Prove Mental Child Abuse
Because there are few physical signs of mental child abuse, it is often necessary to enlist the services of a psychiatrist to determine whether the child has been victimized. While the child works with a therapist or social worker, take detailed notes about the situation and remain in close contact
Child Labor Laws in the State of Texas
Child labor refers to the employment of minors under the age of 18. The government, through the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), established minimum laws for child labor. However, several states, such as Texas, have adopted stricter laws in an effort to protect against exploitation of...
How to Reopen a Closed Estate in Louisiana
Once the assets of an estate have been distributed following a person's death, that estate is said to be closed. The closure of an estate bars new claims against that estate, for both heirs and creditors. While courts will rarely reopen a closed estate, there are several claims that can succeed in c
Guide to Calculating Child Support in Rhode Island (RI)Is There A Minimum Amount?
Rhode Island Divorce, Family Law and Child Support Attorney,David Slepkow answers the following questions: How is Rhode Island (RI) Child Support determined in divorce cases, paternity cases, child support cases and child visitation cases? Is there a minimum child support guideline in Rhode Island a
How to File a Child Custody Modification
While every U.S. state follows its own child custody and visitation laws, each state requires its courts to consider the child's best interest. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, the state courts must always consider the child's best interest when deciding where the child should liv
The Child Labor Laws in Zambia
The majority of the children in Zambia work in agricultural fields.agriculture image by Gudellaphoto from Fotolia.comLocated in the heart of Africa, Zambia has long been known for its human rights violations, especially with regard to the human trafficking of children. Education is not...
How to Obtain Juvenile Records in Michigan
A background check that uncovers a defendant's juvenile record can make getting a job or an apartment difficult. Michigan's court system advises defendants who have a juvenile record to learn exactly what their record contains. Mistakes can be made and procedures are in place to have them corrected.
Creating the Perfect Custody Calendar
Child custody is a major issue for separated or divorced parents. Learn how to make an effective child custody calendar that most benefits your children.
How to Write a Declaration for a Child Custody Modification
A declaration may mean the difference between an approved child custody modification and a judge's denial of the request. You state events, facts and other information that support the reasons for or against a change in a custody order on the declaration. The declaration is used by witnesses and the
Punishment for Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is a huge problem that is affecting many children at home, school, and in public. In many states there are laws against it. Therefore, if you are found guilty of this crime, there is often punishment.
Definition of Child Support
Federal law holds a child's biological or adoptive parents responsible for his financial well-being. In cases of divorce or births outside of a marriage, arrangements must be made for the child's best possible provision through child support.
Child Custody Laws in Texas for Unmarried Parents
Learn about child custody in Texas.Child image by Serenitie from Fotolia.comIn Texas, all parents, whether married or unmarried, have the right to custody or visitation with their children. However, when the parents are not married, paternity of the child must be established in order for...