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Entrepreneurs : Business & Finance

You Are a Brand Representative: Douglas Daft

I asked Douglas Daft what were some of the leadership skills he developed during his role as CEO of Coca-Cola. He explained that the amount of integrity you have will affect people's percepti

Thought leadership programme as a marketing tool

Thought leadership is a person's ability to use their unique skills and in-depth knowledge and apply it to building brilliant marketing strategies as a way of creating, greater brand recognit

Radical Thinking

Comfort zones are insidious. They keep us doing the same old things, the way we've always done them. Time to break free and set some challenging goals.

Xlr Connector

Patterns of XLR connectorVariety of male and female XLR connectors with different numbers of pinsThe most common is the three-pin XLR3

Oee - Lean Manufacturing Metric

Overall Equipment Effectiveness is the common machinery and process metric utilized through a lean manufacturing initiative.

Kenya: Leader in Black Tea Production

Highland-tea-farmKenya is one of Africa's oldest tea-producing countries. The earliest reference to tea growing dates back a hundred years to 1903. It is believed that a British settler livin

Advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership

This leadership model is very few employees to work well can be difficult, and for others, it is the only way for them to do their best can be. Therefore, there is leadership within an organization us

The Myth of Discipline

Most people (and dictionaries) would define self-discipline as self-mastery or self control, to which I heartily disagree. I've also heard it said self-discipline is the regulation of oneself for the

How To Deal With Difficult Players

Learning how to deal with a difficult player is one of the most frustrating things you have to do as a basketball coach or leader of any team. Throughout my coaching career I have had my share of diff

Don't let the house burn down!

Let's be honest. As leaders how do we stay sane in an insane job? Too busy to read. Too busy to learn. Too busy on the treadmill when the speed is being set by others.

5 Most Important Coaching Skills

Here are the 5 most important coaching skills you'll need to focus on to be a great coach for your staff: Active Listening, Asking Open Questions, Goal Setting, Holding Staff Accountable and