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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

E Cig Health Issues - What Really Are The Risks

If you're a smoker then you've probably seen a lot of advertisements and articles written about e-cigarettes over the last few years. Advertisements for these products paint them in

Smoking Cold Turkey - Beating Nicotine Cravings

One of the most popular ways smokers can to stop smoking, is known as "cold turkey" The phrase smoking cold turkey means to stop smoking instantly with no gradual reduction i.e. just stop and give your system a short sharp shock.How effective is it and how can you increase your chances of

How to Stop Smoking and Get Rid of Psychological Addictions

Experts say that the physical addiction to smoking lasts 7 days. That's how long the nicotine cravings last. Nicotine triggers your feel-good brain chemistry. In spite of that, the biggest problem with smoking is the psychological addiction. This is the real reason you smoke.

Smoke Pot, Get Lead Poisoning?

Here's yet another reason to just say no to drugs: Smoking marijuana could lead to lead poisoning. Doctors in Germany have linked a mysterious outbreak of lead intoxication to contaminated street supplies of marijuana.

Smoking is Bad For Your Health - The Truth About the Dangers of Smoking

Is smoking bad for your health, or is it an exaggeration? Discover the truth about how harmful smoking is to your health in this article. It's almost impossible these days to not know about the risks of smoking. Just watch the TV, go to the doctors surgery, go anywhere and you'll find post

Will Drug Detox Costs Be Part of Internet Pharmacists' Restitution?

Two Maryland pharmacists are on trial for selling nearly 10 million hydrocodone pills since 2004 to anyone with a credit card. If convicted, they could receive sentences of five years to life. By providing unlimited painkillers from their web site using bogus prescriptions, the two contributed to at

Is It Possible To Stop Smoking With Prozac?

The effects of smoking can be detrimental to a person's lifestyle. It can significantly change a person's appearance by discoloring the teeth, hastening tooth decay, and causing premature aging. Worse, it can also cause a great deal of suffering for people who end up with emphysema or lung

Generic Zyban kills the unhealthy habit of smoking

Is smoking a good habit? This is the question which when asked to anyone will answer it as 'No' but there may be some smokers who will say 'yes' just to keep them involved with smoki

Hypnosis for Smoking, The Easy Way

Hypnosis for smoking cessation has become the stop smoking method of choice. Hypnosis for smoking cessation has the highest quit rate over any other program by at least double. I know that is a huge claim, just check out the clinical studies to see for yourself.