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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Symptoms And The Treatment Of Piles
Symptoms and the treatment of piles include: rectal bleeding, pain around the anus and rectum, irritation and itching, bulge or lump at the anus, excessive straining, rubbing or cleaning the anus may
Truth About Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
It is sad to see that society has become more dependent on drugs and alcohol these days and more people are sent into institutions for Substance Abuse Treatment everyday! There is an increasing difficulty to ...
Coping with Eczema Effectively
Eczema is a skin condition which can be very itchy and frustrating. It covers various types of dermatitis including nummular eczema, allergic dermatitis, seborrhoeic eczema and atopic dermatitis. It isn't spread to others the way ...
Chiropractors Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an often misunderstood condition which is characterized by symptoms in the hand such as pain and numbness. It can be very disabling, preventing many from being able to
How Is Typhoid Spread?
BasicsAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 400 cases of typhoid are diagnosed in the United States each year. Of those, approximately 75 percent are diagnosed in people who have traveled to developing countries where typhoid is common, Typhoid affects...
For Back Pain: The Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement Is Approved, But Is It Ready?
The latest revolution is spine surgery is the artificial disc replacement. It has been approved for use, but many surgeons have questions that remain unanswered.
Exercise and Quality Diabetic Supplies an Integral Part of Diabetes Management
Experts agree that daily exercise is an important part of a healthy body. In fact, the Diabetes Prevention Program, a study done on people with pre-diabetes, showed that 30 minutes of physical activity a day, ...
Sinus Headaches - A Tell-Tale Sign of Sinus Infection
Do you suffer from constant, severe headaches? Does it seem that all cures that you try are not having the desired effect? If yes, then this can often mean that you are having a headache ...
Healing Properties - Learning the Symptoms of Acid Reflux
To truly comprehend the symptoms associated with acid reflux, you shouldfamiliarize yourself with the causes and body parts connected to the disruptionof normal gastric and esophageal processes. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (orGERD for short), involves the stomach, esophagus and sometimes the mou
How To Obtain Pain Relief From Headaches
Suffering from headaches means that you have to find pain relief from headaches. It is certain that no one enjoys pain; much less the pain experienced from a headache, but as most headache sufferers will ...
The Cure For Anything Is Salt Water Sweat - Axillary Hyperhidrosis Treatments - Perspiration Sweat
The Cure For Anything Is Salt Water Sweat Axillary Hyperhidrosis Treatments Perspiration Sweat
Human Lice: Body, Head, Pubic
We have all heard of lice, and many of us have seen our children come back from school with head lice. But there is a lot of confusion between body, head and pubic lice. The three types of lice have c
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Breakthrough In Brain Research Can Heal Your Ibs
Exciting new evidence from brain science offers hope for healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and migraine.
Eleven Safe Food Groups To Eat When You Have Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a disease that occurs when stomach acids containing pepsin abnormally reflux back to the esophagus, which cause irritation. If left untreated, it will take a very long time before the esophagus completely ...
Overcomming Autism, Can It Actually Be Done?
Autism is a developmental condition which causes children to perform socially in a variety of awkward ways. Autism is actually just a shortened term for multiple developmental conditions known as autistic spectrum disorders, there are ...
What Is Laser Spine Surgery?
Laser surgeries have been developed for many medical problems over the past two decades. Spine pain and lower back pain are leading causes for many medical problems. Laser surgery is used to treat these problems. ...
Necessary Precautions to Avoid From Adult Ear Infection and Useful Treatments
Adults are less vulnerable as compared to children for ear infection because of the fact that they have stronger immune system. Although adults are not affected as frequently as the children but they need to ...
Yeast Infection Causes and Symptoms - Why a Yeast Infection Causes Symptoms and What They Are
It is a known fact that a yeast infection causes symptoms that are both unpleasant and downright uncomfortable. You often feel like you will never be able to get rid of the blasted thing and ...
Doctors in Mumbai
Even if the population of both cities of Chennai and Mumbai are growing rapidly Doctors in Chennai and Doctors in Mumbai does not match the exponential growth of people are the ratio of doctors to ...
A Quick Look At The Adverse Impact Of Obesity
It is pretty common knowledge that obesity is a dangerous condition for your overall health. The health costs of obesity in 2010 for the US is huge and is more than 100 billion dollars per ...