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Health & Medical Insurance : Insurance
Different Medicare Plans
Medicare is a federal health insurance plan offered to citizens of the United States. Medicare is mostly for people 65 and older, but those under 65 who meet certain conditions may also qualify if they have disabilities or end-stage renal failure. Medicare has several plans and parts, and...
Top Rated Medicare Advantage Plans
The Social Security Act of 1964 created Medicare in order to help ensure that elderly (age 65 and older) and disabled people are able to receive adequate medical coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans are part of the Medicare program. These plans are provided by private insurance companies...
How to Get Insurance to Pay When it Is Denied?
When your health insurance company denies payment of a medical bill, you may find yourself scrambling to come up with the funds to pay the debt. If you feel the insurance company has denied a bill that should have been paid under the terms of the policy, you can appeal the decision. Someone at the c
VA Benefits for Children of Veterans
The Veterans Administration provides headstones and markers for eligible children of veterans.veterans cemetery image by Jeffrey Zalesny from Fotolia.comThe Department of Veterans Administration operates four major programs that provide financial and medical assistance to veterans'...
Components of Medicare Part D
The elderly and disabled population rely on their prescription drugs. Getting their drugs at an affordable price is vital, otherwise many resort to skipping doses or splitting pills. That is why Medicare, the federal health insurance program for the elderly and disabled, introduced Part D...
Health Insurance Port Ability & Accountability Act
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) is a law that has two main effects. HIPPA primarily prohibits an employer's health plans from excluding people who have pre-existing conditions and their families in many circumstances. The law also makes some changes to how heath care
Hints for Health Insurance
Health insurance is a vital purchase, one that every individual must make. Going without health insurance can be both dangerous and expensive, so it is important to make sure you are covered. If you have access to health care through your employer, you should review your options carefully and choose
Finding Mental Health Insurance & Getting the Most From It
How to get mental health insurance or discover mental health coverage you weren't aware you had.
How to Get New Individual Health Insurance If You Have a History of Breast Cancer
The effects of a cancer diagnosis can linger on for years to come, and can affect far more than just your potential recurrence rate. Obtaining health insurance is never a simple affair, but it can become increasingly more complex if you have a history of a serious illness such as breast cancer, due
How Health Care Rationing in the United States Affects Even You
Learn how and why health care rationing is already happening in the United States. See every-day examples of how even the insured are affected.
Arguments for Universal Healthcare
Universal health care is provided by governments rather than by private companies.Health Care image by Dusi from Fotolia.comA form of health coverage, universal health care allows every citizen to receive health services provided by the government. As of 2010, parts of South America,...
Why Not Lie On Your Health Insurance Subsidy Application?
You'll get busted if you lie on your health insurance subsidy application to get a more money or qualify for a subsidy. See how big brother will know.
Good Things About Health Insurance Companies
Health insurance companies are often demonized in the popular press as money-grubbing operations. Although in a free market, individual companies can price their policies high and increase profits, there are some basic reasons why health insurance companies were created in the first...
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) are both managed health care plans that are widely available. Both plans focus on offering health care to their members, but they also differ in key ways. Large differences arise when examining various facets of HMOs
How to Kill Anaerobic Bacteria
Anaerobic bacteria survive in environments with little or no oxygen. There are three types: facultative, obligate and aerotolerant. Facultative anaerobes live and grow with or without oxygen. Obligate anaerobes thrive in environments without oxygen and can die in its presence. Aerotolerant anaerobes
How to Obtain a Phytosanitary Certificate
There are two types of phytosanitary certifications--state and federal. State phytosanitary certification is required to ship agriculture goods like seeds and plants to other states. Federal phytosanitary certification is required when shipping agricultural products out of the country. The certifica
How to Get Medicaid in Alabama
Medicaid is a benefit provided by the government to assist the people of Alabama who can not afford health insurance. In order to qualify for the Medicaid Government Benefit, you will need to either have a disability or be low to very low income. Medicaid is a benefit paid for by the ta
What Is a Qualifying UHC Event?
UHC, or United HealthCare, is a health care conglomerate whose network includes 632,000 doctors and health care professionals, 80,000 dentists, and 5,060 hospitals. Over 70 million members strong, UHC is dedicated to making health care more affordable and accessible.
Rules for Home Health Care Safety
Home health care is a popular alternative to traditional assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospice, and in some instances, extended hospital stays. Home health care services can be provided by a health care service, at-home nurses or even trained family members. Because...