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Health & Medical Insurance : Insurance

HSA Explained

A health savings account, also called an HSA, is a tax-exempt account that you set up to pay for medical expenses. It works like a personal savings account, but you can only use the money you put in it for health-related expenses. You own the HSA, not your employer, insurance company or the governme

Medicaid Disability Requirements

Medicaid is a health insurance plans for certain people with limited incomes. Medicaid is paid for by both the federal government as well as states. Although states are not required to participate in Medicaid, as of 2010, all 50 states offer the program. The specifics of the program are determined b

Health Insurance for Patients With Cancer History

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 will clear many of the barriers between cancer survivors and health insurance by the end of 2014. But before then, patients with a cancer history must thoroughly research the insurance options available to find a health plan that fits their needs. Adults without emplo

Meaning of Introspective

When you take a look inside and consider your own mental state and consciousness, you're being introspective. Introspection is how people learn about themselves by examining their own behaviors and opinions. As a concept, introspection emerged as a part of contemporary philosophy as a way to explain

How to Lose Medicaid Coverage

Medicaid is the federally funded health insurance program offered to low-income individuals. Although the government outlines the guidelines, each state has specific requirements regarding eligibility. Apply for Medicaid coverage by visiting your state Medicaid website or contacting your local depar

Reasons Why People Get Denied Health Insurance Coverage

Health insurance has been a hot-button issue for Americans for decades. While most other industrialized countries offer universal, government-funded health care to its citizens, many Americans who do not have jobs that provide coverage and are not on a government plan like Medicare or...

How to Cancel Medicaid Coverage

Medicaid is a medical program offered by the government to individuals and families who fall into certain categories. These individuals meet eligibility requirements to qualify for this benefit. Low-income families, children, pregnant women and individuals with disabilities are a few examples of peo

Healthcare Insurance Facts

Health care insurance often is one of the larger items in a family's budget. It also is one of the more difficult types of insurance contracts to understand. Learning what to look for in a health care policy helps.

Qualifications to Apply for Medicaid

Medicaid, along with Medicare, is a health insurance program created as a part of the Social Security Act of 1965. It was designed to help individuals and families who could not afford to pay for health care. The program is mostly available to individuals who have low income. In order to qualify, th

How to Find a Medigap Insurer

If you're worried about paying for health care costs that aren't covered under your original Medicare plan, having a Medigap policy can help ease that financial burden. Medigap policies, which are subject to Federal and State laws, offer coverage for benefits that aren't included in your

Alternative Health Plans That Cover Pre-Existing Conditions

If you look hard enough, you will find a health plan that covers your pre-existing condition. Depending on your situation, you might have to take immediate action to preserve coverage, or you may have to wait six to 18 months (assuming your condition does not require continuing care in the meanwhile

Medicare Supplemental vs. Advantage Insurance

Medicare supplemental insurance and a Medicare Advantage Program are two different Medicare options. If you enroll in Original Medicare Parts A and B and want insurance to cover expenses that those programs don't cover, you buy Medicare supplemental insurance. On the other hand, if you want an alter

How to Apply for Medicaid While Waiting for a Decision on SSD

Medicaid is a state-operated, federally- and state-funded health insurance program for certain low-income individuals. These individuals include the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and children. If you are disabled and are awaiting a decision on your Social Security disability application, you may

Who Should Get Long-Term Care Insurance?

According to a MetLife survey, as of 2008, the average nursing home facility costs $213 a day. Based on a 3 percent inflation rate, by 2030, you could be paying $408 a day. (See References below.) In general, neither Medicare nor Medicaid cover long-term care (LTC). Private long-term care insurance

Medicare Benefits for Psychiatric Care

Medicare covers certain aspects of psychiatric care.pills image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.comMedicare is a federal health insurance program designed to help Americans over 65 years of age. There are also provisions for some disabled people under 65, and all people who suffer from...

How to Calculate a Health Insurance Premium

If you live in a state that will use traditional underwriting to price your premiums, as opposed to community rating, you need to know what to expect in terms of insurance premiums and how those premiums are calculated. Ultimately, the insurance company determines the actual premiums and the exact p

Information on Medicaid's QMB Program for Low-Income People

The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program is a state program designed to provide individuals with both Medicare and Medicaid coverage, with extra help paying for medical expenses. Every state offers the QMB program.