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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Learn Proper English Pronunciation

"Proper English Pronunciation" takes more than one form. There is formal or traditional English pronunciation--sometimes called "The Queen's English"--which not even everyone in England speaks. There is English spoken by the other people of the world, including Americans, with their native accents.

How to Do Indian Embroidery

There are multiple methods and styles of embroidery that originate from the different regions of India. One common method is known as Indian Shisha, or mirror embroidery. This type of embroidery is often added as decoration to clothing, handbags and other accessories. The techniques used for Indian

Goodbye Facebook Stalking

Dating someone initially is almost always awkward, especially if it's a blind date. You would except that in Japanese society, which culture puts an emphasis on humility and submissiveness, the dating scene would be somewhat ...

How to Speak With a Greek Accent

Mimicking a Greek accent isn't that difficult. It's not as prevalent in mainstream America as the similar Italian accent. Start with these basics to make your accent recognizable as Greek.

How to Make Background Music With MIDI Instruments

Creating background music with MIDI instruments is an advanced skill requiring the musician to know music composition. Once you have learned to read and write music, you can begin to use notation software to create MIDI realizations of your background music. Even without rudimentary composing skills

Implications for Working With Nigerian Culture

Nigeria, a large, oil-rich West African country, is a diverse nation with multiple cultures. The country's major ethnic groups are the Hausa, the Fulani, the Igbo and the Yoruba. While there are cultural differences across the country, those looking to do business there should be aware of some commo

Contemporary Issues in Native American Communities

Native American people that live within the United States are faced with issues that are unique to their communities and way of life. These issues consist of challenges such as substance abuse, gaming and education. Native American tribes also have a unique problem with dual citizenship since they a

African American History Games

Many African American history games explore the history of African Americans and their contributions made to society. These games provide details of the history of African Americans in a creative way. The games make learning about history fun as they explore the history of African...

Period Hairstyles & Costumes

The changes in period costumes and hairstyles reflect other types of developments in the rest of the world. For example, the fabrics available for clothing in the 1900s is vastly different than those available in the 1700's because of the Industrial Revolution. Similarly, period outfits and hairstyl

Will the Balm Really Work?

Our world is inundated with products to relieve pain and sooth and comfort us. There are hundreds of different types and brands of lotion alone. Last week I was using a mentholatum-type balm on my ...

Information About the African Tribal Mask

African tribal masks aren't just art, but have long been a part of tribal religion and culture. African tribal masks came in literally thousands of different looks, shapes, and forms based on their use and the specific tribe the mask came from.

Natural & Man-Made Factors That Affect Migration

Migration is the movement of people or animals from one region to another. It can take place over small distances, within a city, or even internationally. People can move for many reasons, from escaping a natural disasters to finding better jobs. Most migrations are a combination of many reasons as

Four Roles of Women on the Sugar Plantation

Through the 16th and 17th centuries, sugar plantations sprouted in the southern region of what would become the United States, the Caribbean and parts of South America. Women played several roles on these plantation, some as unwilling slaves, others as the mistress of the household. No matter the

What Are the Nephilim of the Bible?

The nephilim are described in the bible as "the ancient warriors, the men of renown," but there are diverging opinions about just who and what the nephilim were. According to Christoph Auffarth and Loren T. Stuckenbruck, authors of "The Fall of the Angels," the word "nephilim" literally translates a

As If Living Was Easy

Living is not easy. Our lives may be happy, but definitely not a smooth sail. Lucky are the ones who got away with smooth lives. That sail is what all aspire for. But, when suddenly ...

How to Live in an Igloo

Generally speaking, people do not live in snow igloos anymore. They are used in certain cultures when going out to hunt and fish, by others for winter camping and some build them just for fun. They may not be the most comfortable shelters in the world, but they provide reliable, solid housing when n

Video: How to Ask "Whose is this?" in Japanese

Video Transcript YUU ASAKURA: So now, we're going to learn how to ask: whose book is this? We learned how to say my book, which is "watashi no hon." So let's say "watashi no hon desu." I'm skipping the subject here. I'm just pointing out this book that's right here. We say "watashi no...

Activities With "Ten Little Indians"

"Ten Little Indians" is a children's rhyme with multiple versions. At its simplest, it is a counting rhyme with a singsong, easy-to-remember tune. In a more morbid variation -- which begins, "Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; one choked his little self and then there were nine

How to Register With the Native American Registry

If you are of Native American descent, registering as a Native American can provide you with numerous benefits. Connecting with your ancestor's culture, meeting other people from similar backgrounds, and having access to special scholarships and other grants are only a few of these benefits. However

Types of Roman Swords

Ancient Rome had swordsmiths who were masters at designing their weapons to achieve maximum results on the battlefield. Adopting many features of weapon designs from other cultures allowed the Romans to use different swords for different types of combat. These swords included both long...