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Literature & Language : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Predigested thought and prejudice against the emerging artist
1. This serves as a stereotypical treatment of the artist dilemma regarding his status in society and the perception of him/her in the community and his vocation.
Code Mixing in Beckett's plays
Beckett was a genius and introduced words from other languages in his plays. Beckett originally wrote in French, and then translated his works into English.
How to Kill The Commandant in Fable 2
The biggest, nastiest thing you fight in The Spire, the Commandant is a mean guy to take on. Not only does he have unique magical attacks and more powerful weapons than you do, he has a legion of men at his command. Taking him down will require more than most fights.
How to Write Fiction
Anything you think of can become a story. There are things you'll never do, but you can still make them happen by simply putting words on paper. Anyone can do that! Develop characters and make them lovable, or despicable. You'll learn how to make readers feel like they're in your settings.
How Can I Make My Day Go by Faster When There Is Nothing to Do?
When there is nothing to do and you want time to go by faster, it's likely that you are suffering from boredom. Boredom is apt to strike when you are feeling indifferent toward your surroundings and mundane, repetitive chores. It can also be a sign of mild anxiety and low self-esteem. Anticipating t
What is the Meaning of the Almond Tree?
The almond tree is rife with biblical meanings. Moses' brother, Aaron, carried a rod cut from an almond tree. When almond blossoms and leaves suddenly sprouted on the rod, this miracle was attributed as a sign that God had chosen Aaron and his tribe to be His priests. Almonds were mentioned often in
Riddles and Your Brain
Riddles are a great way to exercise your brain. Keep your brain lean by solving them.
How to Make Anime Shows
Anime is a Japanese school of animation with its own style, story traditions and codes for portraying emotions. The genre has gone beyond its homeland to enjoy a dedicated fan base stateside. Even U.S.-produced shows such as Teen Titans and the Boondocks have emulated anime conventions in their own
How to Make a Volume Read-Only
The command-line DiskPart utility included with Windows lets you set attributes and make changes to your hard drives that you can't perform with the Disk Management utility. These changes include setting a drive or volume to read-only. If you are trying to recover deleted or overwritten data from a
Writing Tips for How to Write Scenery in Novels
In many novels, the scenery and setting work as a character and provide an important context and understanding of the novel's purpose and meaning. Even if the setting isn't of prime importance for your novel, it is important to make sure that your writing gives the reader a clear and evocative sense
How to Analyze Allegory in Literature
An allegory is a piece of literature that uses a literal tale as a stand-in for an underlying theme, message or metaphor. Allegories can come in all forms of literature from Bible passages and epic poems to science fiction/fantasy tales. All allegories follow a similar pattern. They use characters,
How to Make Hawaiian Costumes
Located in the Pacific Ocean approximately halfway between California and Japan, Hawaii is a chain of islands in northern Polynesia. While the other Polynesian islands are independent or associated with countries, such as France or New Zealand, the Hawaiian islands were annexed by the United States
How to Add "Read More" Jump Breaks in HTML
Many blog posts begin with an introduction of a few paragraphs, followed by a "read more" link. This initial excerpt is sometimes used elsewhere, such as on the blog homepage where an entire article would be too long to fit. Clicking "read more" moves you further down the page to
On Another Planet, Far, Far Away
How come people from other planets can see what we are doing wrong, but we can't. Maybe it's time to change the reality we live in.
How Has Greek Mythology Changed Our World?
Greek mythology is one of the most complex mythologies known in the world. It is based primarily on personifying concepts to form stories, often heroic in nature. Many of these stories are commentaries on moral virtues, answering questions about the mysteries of life and death and ultimately explain
Serial Novel Has the Dickens Touch
A serial story released for Christmas in electronic format found ready buyers and signals a bright future for short fictional texts.
Buried Treasure
This book is about two treasure hunters looking for the mysterious treasure buried by a pirate near First Fidelity Reserve.
Outside In
Learn the lesson that Erika herself learns when she visits a friend and finds a strange mirror.
How to Write and Revise a Creative Nonfiction Essay
Creative nonfiction aims for the no-man's land of prose located between fiction and nonfiction. Essays and books in this genre of writing seek to capture and reflect "real life" in creative ways. Henry David Thoreau's "Walden; or, Life in the Woods" and Dave Egger's "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggeri
Ideas for Writing Teen Novels
Teen novels are enjoying "a golden age," according to a press release from the American Library Association about its 2008 Teen Read Week. Teen novels are commonly referred to as YA (young adult) novels. YA novelists want to take advantage of this unprecedented success, but may wonder how to uneart