How to Cool an Ice Chest With a Camp Fire
- 1). Find an old propane refrigerator. Propane refrigerators use a propane flame, thus the name, to vaporize ammonia or another refrigerant with a low boiling point and push it through a condenser. Then it mixes with hydrogen gas and causes a chemical reaction which evaporates the ammonia a second time, which causes it to drop in temperature and absorb the heat from the refrigerator. Propane refrigerators are also called absorption refrigerators.
- 2). Remove the propane container and propane flame burner. Propane is highly combustible and can explode if exposed to a naked flame.
- 3). Replace the propane flame burner with embers from your fire. A small amount of ember will suffice. You only need to generate the heat of a regular pilot light flame. The embers will heat the ammonia and start the refrigerator's cooling cycle. You will need a steady supply of embers to keep the ice chest cool.