Mood Poisoning Affects Your Success
Recently, my half marathon races have sent me all over the country: Los Angeles, Chicago, and more.
During my travels, I realized that not only were the places I encountered starting to affect my mood and demeanor, but the people were too.
It was truly amazing! I could literally feel my entire physical and emotional being change, as if I had contracted a bad case of mood poisoning.
The more I stopped to look at how people were dressed, the way they ate, and especially the way they communicated back and forth with each other, it really started to wreak havoc on my central nervous system.
I recently moved back to Indiana because it was a place that I believed I energetically resonated with.
I also recently started reading William Bloom's book Psychic Protection in which he discusses that "atmospheres, primarily your current surroundings, can dramatically affect how you feel and behave without your being conscious of them".
This all started making sense when I recently stayed at a "less than stellar" hotel in Los Angeles when I was co-teaching stock option classes.
Each morning while waiting for my co-instructor to meet me in the lobby before heading over to the trading school, I would be negatively overwhelmed by both the other guests and the energy of the hotel itself.
It then got me thinking: what would happen to me if I had to stay in this environment for any prolonged period of time? What would be the long-term effects of this so-called mood poisoning? Maybe it would start to play on my self-esteem, my ability to motivate myself, or even worse, impact my own self-identity.
It may sound silly, but what if I started to believe that this is who I was, or even worse, where I was supposed to be? My doctoral professor, Vance Caesar, once told us: "Happy high achievers make it a habit to associate and hang out with other happy, high achievers.
" Maybe I wasn't crazy and just maybe I was starting to feel uncomfortable because my energy was not in sync with my surroundings.
So, the next time you start to feel out of sorts, take a moment and ask yourself: is it really you? Or are you currently living in a place that cannot help you achieve your goals and success? Are you compromising yourself? Perhaps you've discovered that you're living somewhere that you refer to as a "holding pattern" or "transition place".
You need to be careful that this "transition place" does not turn into some long-term prison sentence, as one of my prior LA apartments did for me a while back.
It was a place that I initially vowed would only be for one year, yet I wound up staying for seven.
You also want to make sure that you associate and surround yourself with people that provide you with support and positive energy.
Unfortunately, a lot of people in our society are not pursuing their dreams.
As a result, these same people are incredibly bitter and negative.
There is an old saying: "Misery loves company.
" You need to energetically avoid these people if they do not resonate with you in a positive way.
This past June, I decided to move back to Indiana because I wanted to re-charge my batteries.
So what are you going to do to reverse the effects of your so-called mood poisoning?
During my travels, I realized that not only were the places I encountered starting to affect my mood and demeanor, but the people were too.
It was truly amazing! I could literally feel my entire physical and emotional being change, as if I had contracted a bad case of mood poisoning.
The more I stopped to look at how people were dressed, the way they ate, and especially the way they communicated back and forth with each other, it really started to wreak havoc on my central nervous system.
I recently moved back to Indiana because it was a place that I believed I energetically resonated with.
I also recently started reading William Bloom's book Psychic Protection in which he discusses that "atmospheres, primarily your current surroundings, can dramatically affect how you feel and behave without your being conscious of them".
This all started making sense when I recently stayed at a "less than stellar" hotel in Los Angeles when I was co-teaching stock option classes.
Each morning while waiting for my co-instructor to meet me in the lobby before heading over to the trading school, I would be negatively overwhelmed by both the other guests and the energy of the hotel itself.
It then got me thinking: what would happen to me if I had to stay in this environment for any prolonged period of time? What would be the long-term effects of this so-called mood poisoning? Maybe it would start to play on my self-esteem, my ability to motivate myself, or even worse, impact my own self-identity.
It may sound silly, but what if I started to believe that this is who I was, or even worse, where I was supposed to be? My doctoral professor, Vance Caesar, once told us: "Happy high achievers make it a habit to associate and hang out with other happy, high achievers.
" Maybe I wasn't crazy and just maybe I was starting to feel uncomfortable because my energy was not in sync with my surroundings.
So, the next time you start to feel out of sorts, take a moment and ask yourself: is it really you? Or are you currently living in a place that cannot help you achieve your goals and success? Are you compromising yourself? Perhaps you've discovered that you're living somewhere that you refer to as a "holding pattern" or "transition place".
You need to be careful that this "transition place" does not turn into some long-term prison sentence, as one of my prior LA apartments did for me a while back.
It was a place that I initially vowed would only be for one year, yet I wound up staying for seven.
You also want to make sure that you associate and surround yourself with people that provide you with support and positive energy.
Unfortunately, a lot of people in our society are not pursuing their dreams.
As a result, these same people are incredibly bitter and negative.
There is an old saying: "Misery loves company.
" You need to energetically avoid these people if they do not resonate with you in a positive way.
This past June, I decided to move back to Indiana because I wanted to re-charge my batteries.
So what are you going to do to reverse the effects of your so-called mood poisoning?