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Open Your Mouth Wide And Receive From The Lord

Jesus loves for us to receive from Him, He said in John 10:10 I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.
So it is His will for us to have more than enough but there are several reasons why we do not receive from Him; it is lack of knowledge, sin, self efforts and condemnation.
These four things are the main reason why we are not living an abundantly life.
We do not have knowledge of His word because we are not reading or listening to it therefore, we do not have faith.
Romans 10:17 read faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
If we do not read His word and meditate on it then we are in darkness, not knowing who He is and who we are in Him.
Sin consciousness will stop us from approaching the Lord and asking anything from Him but it is recorded in Romans 4:7-8 these words that were spoken by David long before grace came, it read blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered.
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.
If we are conscious of our sins then it will cause us to shy away from the Lord but my question is which is the greatest our sin or His grace? His grace is greater than our sin even to the point where He remembers it no more.
Self righteousness will also prevent us from receiving from the Lord.
You would think that our righteousness will get us what we want from Him but it will not because Jesus is our righteousness and His righteousness is what God will honor.
God's righteousness is a gift to us but if we try to earn it then it would no longer be a gift.
He will not honor our self efforts and He will not alter His word to accommodate us so for us to work at being righteous is in vain.
We are already righteous because of the righteousness of Jesus.
Condemnation blocks the blessing of the Lord.
It is like a close fist and you know that a close fist cannot receive anything in it but Romans 8:1 read there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
If we are in Christ then we are free from condemnation.
Yes we might make mistakes but we do not have to be condemned by it, Jesus is not condemning us now and He never will condemn us because all of our sins are forgiven; past, present and future.
When we receive from the Lord it invigorates Him an example of this is found in John chapter four.
Jesus disciples had gone into town to buy food, He was left alone and a woman came to draw water from the well.
He told her everything that she had done and expounded the word of God to her and when they had finished talking the lady went back and told the towns people that she had seen the Messiah.
It was a life changing experience for her.
When the disciples returned with the food and urged Him to eat, He said to them I have food to eat of which you do not know.
They assumed that He had eaten food but the woman had taken from Him and it invigorated Him to the point where He looked refreshed.
So now, how do we open our mouth and receive from Him? We do it by forgetting what we think is right and believe what He has said in His word doubting nothing.
I bought a picture the other day at a resale shop that had these words on it; earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot heal.
There is no good thing that the Lord will withhold from us no matter the size of it.
If we would release our inhibitions and open ourselves up to the Lord then He will fill us to the brim.
Release all fears, doubts and unbelief and God will fill our mouth with good things.
If we would stretch forth our faith even if it seem impossible to us; God will do for us what is in our heart because there is no shortage in heaven for any of us.
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