Use Your Talents or Lose Them
All of us have talents that we were born with.
The only problem is that most of us aren't using the talents and gifts that we do have.
There are talents that require more development to accomplish purpose and find destiny.
Parents can detect talents in their children from a young age.
However, if those talents are not nurtured at that age, then the child may not recognize it when they get to adulthood.
Many talented people who have no one to inspire and encourage them will just wither and become part of the social culture of failures.
Talents that are evoked and recognized stand to bring out a new person who has a zest for life.
However, it takes a specially trained coach or mentor to get a talented individual to see themselves using their talents for the greater good.
Talents are used to form partnerships, ventures and fulfilled visions.
It is through talents and gifts that people dream big dreams.
Never forsake the talent that you have.
It might just be the very thing you can use to uplift someone or let them see things in a new perspective.
Some people have the gift of encouraging, writing, administrative duties, mentoring, coaching, giving, and doing business.
Whatever your talents and gifts, you can use them to make money and get you into places that you would not have dreamed possible.
People die without using their talents.
There are so many wasted talents that are buried in the cemetery.
Will you be counted among those? If you use your talents wisely, then you will be saved from such disconcerting thoughts and will not lose out on your chance to make a contribution to society before your time comes.
You might not want to fall in that category of wasting your talents, but it is possible, if you don't make a move now.
So the next step for you is to identify your talents.
Use the help of a mentor or coach if you are unable to do it on your own.
A coach will sit down with you and brainstorm with you.
You will be asked, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Be honest with your answer so you can move to the next step.
You may also be asked, "What do you enjoy doing the most?" If you have a hobby maybe or something that makes your heart sing with joy, then you have a winner talent.
The fact that you love something enough to do it without getting paid for it is a talent that can lead you through doors that would seem impossible without your talent.
The coach will help you to make a list of things that you are skilled in doing.
You will be able to assess how comfortable you are with each and the one that excites you the most and that you can effectively accomplish on your own, is the one that will be your primary focus.
Your next step is to improve that talent.
It may take going to classes, doing part time jobs using the talent or practicing on your own.
The only problem is that most of us aren't using the talents and gifts that we do have.
There are talents that require more development to accomplish purpose and find destiny.
Parents can detect talents in their children from a young age.
However, if those talents are not nurtured at that age, then the child may not recognize it when they get to adulthood.
Many talented people who have no one to inspire and encourage them will just wither and become part of the social culture of failures.
Talents that are evoked and recognized stand to bring out a new person who has a zest for life.
However, it takes a specially trained coach or mentor to get a talented individual to see themselves using their talents for the greater good.
Talents are used to form partnerships, ventures and fulfilled visions.
It is through talents and gifts that people dream big dreams.
Never forsake the talent that you have.
It might just be the very thing you can use to uplift someone or let them see things in a new perspective.
Some people have the gift of encouraging, writing, administrative duties, mentoring, coaching, giving, and doing business.
Whatever your talents and gifts, you can use them to make money and get you into places that you would not have dreamed possible.
People die without using their talents.
There are so many wasted talents that are buried in the cemetery.
Will you be counted among those? If you use your talents wisely, then you will be saved from such disconcerting thoughts and will not lose out on your chance to make a contribution to society before your time comes.
You might not want to fall in that category of wasting your talents, but it is possible, if you don't make a move now.
So the next step for you is to identify your talents.
Use the help of a mentor or coach if you are unable to do it on your own.
A coach will sit down with you and brainstorm with you.
You will be asked, "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Be honest with your answer so you can move to the next step.
You may also be asked, "What do you enjoy doing the most?" If you have a hobby maybe or something that makes your heart sing with joy, then you have a winner talent.
The fact that you love something enough to do it without getting paid for it is a talent that can lead you through doors that would seem impossible without your talent.
The coach will help you to make a list of things that you are skilled in doing.
You will be able to assess how comfortable you are with each and the one that excites you the most and that you can effectively accomplish on your own, is the one that will be your primary focus.
Your next step is to improve that talent.
It may take going to classes, doing part time jobs using the talent or practicing on your own.