Drain Cleaners Containing Sulfuric Acid
- The sulfuric acid in drain cleaners works because of the chemical reaction it has on material trapped in a drain. Like all acids, sulfuric acid contains high levels of hydrogen ions, which are negatively charged hydrogen molecules. When mixed with water, the hydrogen ions produce a chemical reaction which causes the drain cleaning solution and the surrounding pipes to become extremely hot. The heat from the solution and pipes liquidizes and dissolves any material trapped in the drain.
- The properties of sulfuric acid make it ideal for dissolving the most stubborn clogs. In addition to disintegrating hair, rags, paper and other materials, it also liquefies grease. Because sulfuric acid is a strong aggressive chemical, drain cleaners designed for home use only have a small concentration of it in their ingredients. Cleaners with higher concentrations of sulfuric acid are usually only available to professionals, such as certified plumbers.
- Sulfuric acid is an effective drain cleaner, but it may damage pipes, especially if used frequently. The chemical reaction caused by sulfuric acid may weaken the lining of pipes, causing them to crack and leak, especially if a pipe is already old or corroded. It may also crack porcelain, soften plastic and damage aluminum.
- Exercise caution whenever you use a drain cleaner containing sulfuric acid because it is an extremely corrosive hazardous material. It burns exposed skin, and inhaling the fumes can be toxic. Use safety gear, such as gloves to prevent contact with hands, goggles to protect eyes, and a face mask to prevent excessive inhalation of the fumes. If you use an acid-containing drain cleaner at home, make sure all treated areas are well ventilated. Also, never purchase drain cleaners manufactured for professional use because they consist of stronger chemical compositions that require expert knowledge in regard to handling hazardous materials.