How to Find a Reverse Address
- 1). Find the full address, including ZIP code. If you are going to search the physical records, the more information you have, the better.
- 2). Do a quick Internet search for property records in the municipality where the address is located. This will tell you which department holds the property records for the area.
- 3). Search online databases. If you are looking for an address within a city, often the city's finance department will have an online database. Go to that online database and type in the address to see the records associated with that address. If the property is in a rural area (or the city doesn't offer online service), go to the county's property records page. If the county has an online database, do your search there.
- 4). Go to the records department. If the city or county does not offer an online database, go to the records department at either the finance department or the county clerk's office. Ask to view property records by address, and the clerk will point you in the right direction. If you have any trouble, ask for assistance, as these records departments can be quite labyrinthine if you aren't familiar with them.