What is a Living Will?
Just suppose that, heaven forbid, you were left seriously injured in an automobile accident.
It's really not hard to imagine, because chances are you know of someone who was.
Then take it a step further.
Suppose as a result of the accident you suffered a serous brain injury that left you completely, permanently and irreparably incapacitated.
An All Too Common Scenario What would happen to your children? Of course the courts would most likely have to get involved to settle this matter.
Even if they were awarded to a close relative that you would prefer, what about the money that is needed for their care and education? What About College? No one can legally access your money or assets without your permission, so they would most likely have to go without all of the things that you would have wanted for them, such as a college education.
Two Types of Wills This scenario isn't far fetched, because it is going on every day all over the globe.
People who had the foresight to have a standard will drawn up, yet never took the time to have a living will documented.
The Most Personal of Choices Then there are people, maybe you being one of them, who don't want to live out their remaining days as a virtual human vegetable.
Existing only as a burden to your children.
Children who you would rather see enjoying the fruits of your life's labors and carrying on with their careers or new families.
A Common Mistake That People Make Only a living will will be accepted as a viable instructional legal document.
Writing your own personal instructions on a piece of paper without the benefit of a lawyer is a mistake that far too many people have made.
This type of instructional document will simply be cast aside and will be of no legal use.
It's really not hard to imagine, because chances are you know of someone who was.
Then take it a step further.
Suppose as a result of the accident you suffered a serous brain injury that left you completely, permanently and irreparably incapacitated.
An All Too Common Scenario What would happen to your children? Of course the courts would most likely have to get involved to settle this matter.
Even if they were awarded to a close relative that you would prefer, what about the money that is needed for their care and education? What About College? No one can legally access your money or assets without your permission, so they would most likely have to go without all of the things that you would have wanted for them, such as a college education.
Two Types of Wills This scenario isn't far fetched, because it is going on every day all over the globe.
People who had the foresight to have a standard will drawn up, yet never took the time to have a living will documented.
The Most Personal of Choices Then there are people, maybe you being one of them, who don't want to live out their remaining days as a virtual human vegetable.
Existing only as a burden to your children.
Children who you would rather see enjoying the fruits of your life's labors and carrying on with their careers or new families.
A Common Mistake That People Make Only a living will will be accepted as a viable instructional legal document.
Writing your own personal instructions on a piece of paper without the benefit of a lawyer is a mistake that far too many people have made.
This type of instructional document will simply be cast aside and will be of no legal use.