What Do Dreams Mean, Actually?
To dream is a verb, but it's also a noun.
Some hold that life is simply this - that when you wake, it's just to another dream.
Huna holds this to be true, as Serge Kahili King covers in his "Mastering Your Hidden Self.
" So this changed the conventional idea of what your or my dreams can mean.
While that gives us some improved workability, it also has drawbacks.
To open-mindedly accept the concept that all the world is a dream also entails that the laws we made on creating this universe are immutable and held by us and all who inhabit our dreams.
Of course, this may turn our world-view upside down.
Oh - you're right.
That doesn't mean necessarily that we are gods or universe-creators.
God still very much exists.
Taking this concept that life is only a dream - makes it far more apparent that we are all playing in our dream as a game.
So the world is much less serious a place.
Here's how I got there: In King's book, he has that whole chapter on dream interpretation and meanings.
He says there that all this is pretty wide open.
One interesting point he makes is that we dream (apparently) all the time.
Just sitting still for a little while and not trying to think of anything in particular will find you in a day-dream.
A fascinating idea, since it goes to the idea that we can then live in multiple dreams at the same time.
Of course, you might then be lead right into Burt Goldman and his Quantum Jumping - where he has us living in multiple dimensions simultaneously.
But we don't have to go there.
The point you might choose to consider is that if your life is a dream, and it can mean anything you want, then you don't have to worry or fear death any longer.
Now, just like any other dream you have, this also means that you will live a better, happier, more prosperous life just to the exact degree you take responsibility for everythingyou do or act on.
And if you then pile into other ancient concepts, such as "There are no limits.
" Meaning: we are all connected to each other - this then gives you a very fascinating viewpoint on how to live your life from here on out.
This could give you an easier approach to finding your purpose in life, or achieving any number of personal goals set recently or a longer time ago.
Knowing what your purpose in life is can give you a much different scope of meaning to your dreams.
Because at this point, it's really up to you to live your dream just as you want to.
And find whatever meaning you like within them.
Owing to this idea that there are not limits, you can now have any amount of solutions or inspirations you could ever need or want.
And use all these to solve all manner of problems in your own life, as well as those around you with their particular problems.
This then gives you one very good reason to study your own dreams - for inspiration and intuition are priceless.
As you might think this doesn't particularly help you with your dream analysis, it might help you simply to have more fun in finding your own meaning to this dream we call living.
Some hold that life is simply this - that when you wake, it's just to another dream.
Huna holds this to be true, as Serge Kahili King covers in his "Mastering Your Hidden Self.
" So this changed the conventional idea of what your or my dreams can mean.
While that gives us some improved workability, it also has drawbacks.
To open-mindedly accept the concept that all the world is a dream also entails that the laws we made on creating this universe are immutable and held by us and all who inhabit our dreams.
Of course, this may turn our world-view upside down.
Oh - you're right.
That doesn't mean necessarily that we are gods or universe-creators.
God still very much exists.
Taking this concept that life is only a dream - makes it far more apparent that we are all playing in our dream as a game.
So the world is much less serious a place.
Here's how I got there: In King's book, he has that whole chapter on dream interpretation and meanings.
He says there that all this is pretty wide open.
One interesting point he makes is that we dream (apparently) all the time.
Just sitting still for a little while and not trying to think of anything in particular will find you in a day-dream.
A fascinating idea, since it goes to the idea that we can then live in multiple dreams at the same time.
Of course, you might then be lead right into Burt Goldman and his Quantum Jumping - where he has us living in multiple dimensions simultaneously.
But we don't have to go there.
The point you might choose to consider is that if your life is a dream, and it can mean anything you want, then you don't have to worry or fear death any longer.
Now, just like any other dream you have, this also means that you will live a better, happier, more prosperous life just to the exact degree you take responsibility for everythingyou do or act on.
And if you then pile into other ancient concepts, such as "There are no limits.
" Meaning: we are all connected to each other - this then gives you a very fascinating viewpoint on how to live your life from here on out.
This could give you an easier approach to finding your purpose in life, or achieving any number of personal goals set recently or a longer time ago.
Knowing what your purpose in life is can give you a much different scope of meaning to your dreams.
Because at this point, it's really up to you to live your dream just as you want to.
And find whatever meaning you like within them.
Owing to this idea that there are not limits, you can now have any amount of solutions or inspirations you could ever need or want.
And use all these to solve all manner of problems in your own life, as well as those around you with their particular problems.
This then gives you one very good reason to study your own dreams - for inspiration and intuition are priceless.
As you might think this doesn't particularly help you with your dream analysis, it might help you simply to have more fun in finding your own meaning to this dream we call living.