Novo-Cycloprine Side Effects
- The most common side effect of Novo-Cyclosporine is drowsiness, which occurs in 100 percent of users. Approximately, 58 percent of patients experience dry mouth. Another 17 to 19 percent of patients taking Novo-Cyclosporine report neurological side effects like headaches or dizziness.
- Novo-Cyclosporine also has the potential to cause a number of other less common, but not dangerous side effects. Neurological and psychological side effects include attention disturbances, tremors, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, lack of coordination and depression. Some patients experience gastrointestinal and urinary side effects like nausea, indigestion, decrease in the sense of taste, constipation, diarrhea, gas, vomiting and frequent urination while taking Novo-Cyclosporine. Throat dryness and acne are also possible and occur in 8 and 6 percent of users, respectively.
- There are some medications which produce unwanted side effects when used in conjunction with Novo-Cycloprine. For example, the combination of the drug and psychiatric MAOI inhibiting drugs have the potential to cause high fevers, severe seizures and even death. When combined with a number of other medications, Novo-Cycloprine sometimes causes a potentially fatal condition known as respiratory depression. If you develop respiratory depression, your brain becomes unable to properly regulate your breathing, causing symptoms that range from shallow panting to shock. Drugs that contribute to respiratory depression when used with Novo-Cycloprine include narcotics, anti-epileptics, sedatives and certain anti-depressants.
- In addition to minor side effects and the risk of interactions, Novo-Cycloprine has the potential to cause serious medical complications. For instance, some patients develop cardiovascular side effects related to use of the drug, such as palpitations, fainting and decreases in blood pressure and heart rate. Severe neurological side effects occur in fewer than 1 percent of users, including disorientation, hallucinations, psychosis and seizures. Approximately 3 percent of users experience blurred vision related to the use of Novo-Cycloprine. Inflammation or damage to your liver is also possible while taking the drug.
- Because there is not yet sufficient evidence that Novo-Cycloprine has no unwanted effects upon the fetus, doctors typically do not prescribe the drug for pregnant women. In addition, cyclobenzaprine is not used in children under the age of 15 or in adults over the age of 65. If you have a history of glaucoma, urinary retention, heart blockages and hyperthyroidism, your doctor is not likely to prescribe Novo-Cycloprine for you due to its possible side effects. Since it causes dizziness and drowsiness, you should not operate a motor vehicle or heavy machinery until you know how Novo-Cycloprine will affect you.
Common Side Effects
Other Side Effects
Drug Interactions