How do I Install MS XP Pro on a Dell C610?
- 1). Load the installation disc into your computer's disc drive and restart the machine. You will be prompted to boot from CD; press any key to do so when you see this prompt screen.
- 2). Press the "Enter" key at the "Windows XP Professional Setup" screen. Read the licensing agreement and press "F8" to agree to it. You will not be able to install Windows XP without agreeing to the licensing terms.
- 3). Press the "D" and then the "L" keys at the subsequent screen to delete the information on your hard disk. Select the "Unpartitioned Space" and press "Enter." Highlight "Format the partition using the NTFS file system" on the next screen and press "Enter."
- 4). Allow your computer to reformat the hard drive and begin the installation process. Your computer will eventually restart and you will need to be present in order to answer the prompts that will appear to configure Windows XP and complete installation. You will need to enter the product key, set the time and regional settings and, if desired, set up a password for yourself to protect your files.