How to Refill a Zippo
- 1). Make sure the lighter is cool.
- 2). Flip open the lighter's top.
- 3). Grasp the flint wheel (the area where the flame appears) with two fingers.
- 4). Hold the narrower sides of the case with the other hand.
- 5). Slide the inner case out of the outside case. There's a felt pad inside of this case.
- 6). Turn the inner case over so that the felt pad is facing up.
- 7). Saturate the pad with lighter fluid, but not to the point of dripping.
- 8). Keep the lighter inverted and put the inside case back into the outside case.
- 9). Make sure the small trigger on the top faces toward the hinge in the bottom.
- 10
Flip the lighter closed. - 11
Test the lighter. It may take a few tries.