The Ultimate Secret May Surprise You
The answer is feelings.
Those things many cultures tell men and women to keep quiet or, better yet, not to have or share.
In many cultures, logic reigns supreme.
Feelings make many people downright uncomfortable when they happen because we aren't, as a rule, properly guided on what to do with them, whether ours or others'.
It's a bit more than just having feelings (we all have them); you have to manage them so they work for you rather than against you.
Easy-peasy? It can be easier.
I was on a call the other day when one participant said he was beginning to understand that feelings (our vibrational output) have value just as thoughts do.
This is new for him, he said, so he tries to figure out what he should feel.
The facilitator asked him how this works for him.
The answer I expected was the one he gave: not well at all.
Why? You feel what you feel when you feel it, to the degree you feel it.
The first question to ask is, "What do I feel?" You don't ask what you should feel (I will not should on myself today) or censor what you feel.
You want honest feedback.
If you go for an eye exam, you tell the doctor what you can see, not what you think you should see.
Imagine THAT prescription! The second question to ask is, "What would I rather feel?" Again, be honest and don't censor.
Third, ask yourself, "If I could feel even a little better right now, would I choose to?" If you're not ready to feel even a bit better, allow it.
Some circumstances create very strong emotions.
If you lose a loved one, you don't skip the steps needed to come to terms with this shift in your life, you honor them and allow that you'll feel differently, gradually.
If it feels right to you to feel a bit better, you then...
Ask yourself, "What might the next action be that I could take to assist me to do this?" It may be an inner action, such as making a choice or realizing "This, too, shall pass.
" It may be an outer action.
However, even an outer action starts with an inner one: allowing a next step to come to mind.
Feelings are information, not flaws to be shunned or suppressed.
They aren't to be discounted; they are to be dealt with properly.
Many times, they are to be trusted, especially over logic.
You aren't required to act solely on feelings or solely on logic.
In fact, your life will be a richer experience in every area when you understand how to use both to guide your choices.
Stuff happens.
Shift happens.
Feelings happen.
Our feelings are one of our greatest attributes.
Whether we perceive our feelings as good or not good, they give us valuable information about where we are in each moment.
They can serve us, protect us, help us gauge how satisfied we are, and help us be better people who have better experiences.
No one should ever think they are too intellectual, spiritual, balanced, or what have you to feel anger, sadness, dissatisfaction, or any of the other feelings we consider undesirable.
The point of managing yourself well is not to eliminate the more shadowy aspects, but to build a strong foundation of core values and tools so you can restore balance and good feelings (higher vibrational output) more readily when stuff happens.
And, stuff happens no matter who you are.
The Universe (or whatever you call it) is not as entertained by our intellectualizing as we are.
Amused, more than likely.
Even the finest minds demonstrate only a minuscule fragment of the universal, quantum consciousness.
Whether you follow quantum mechanics or Law of Attraction (which are the same thing), neither responds to our thoughts as readily as they do to our feelings.
The field or Law responds to our strongest vibrational output.
And, we get more of whatever matches the vibration we put out.
I spoke with a negative-minded person who said, "You feel good because good things are happening to you.
" I said, "Good things are happening because I choose to feel good more often than not.
" It's a matter of vibrational output, of like attracts like.
And, it builds upon itself, like interest and dividends.
If you compared the measured vibration of a strong thought to a strong feeling, the feeling would score higher.
This is why it's so important to choose to feel as good as possible, as often as possible.
You get more goodies this way.
It's like at a party.
The person or people who are fun or charismatic attract more people and a better experience than the cranky, "gritchy" person or people.
Is it more fun to engage with people who talk more often about good stuff and possibilities or those who complain non-stop? I suppose this would depend on whether you're into good stuff or complaints.
I'd rather go to a let's-raise-the-energy party over a pity party any day.
What do the lives of these different types feel like to them? Hmm...
There are lots of tools available to help you learn how to better manage your feelings if you believe you need an upgrade in this department.
The better you feel about yourself and life, the more doors your "key" will open.
Those things many cultures tell men and women to keep quiet or, better yet, not to have or share.
In many cultures, logic reigns supreme.
Feelings make many people downright uncomfortable when they happen because we aren't, as a rule, properly guided on what to do with them, whether ours or others'.
It's a bit more than just having feelings (we all have them); you have to manage them so they work for you rather than against you.
Easy-peasy? It can be easier.
I was on a call the other day when one participant said he was beginning to understand that feelings (our vibrational output) have value just as thoughts do.
This is new for him, he said, so he tries to figure out what he should feel.
The facilitator asked him how this works for him.
The answer I expected was the one he gave: not well at all.
Why? You feel what you feel when you feel it, to the degree you feel it.
The first question to ask is, "What do I feel?" You don't ask what you should feel (I will not should on myself today) or censor what you feel.
You want honest feedback.
If you go for an eye exam, you tell the doctor what you can see, not what you think you should see.
Imagine THAT prescription! The second question to ask is, "What would I rather feel?" Again, be honest and don't censor.
Third, ask yourself, "If I could feel even a little better right now, would I choose to?" If you're not ready to feel even a bit better, allow it.
Some circumstances create very strong emotions.
If you lose a loved one, you don't skip the steps needed to come to terms with this shift in your life, you honor them and allow that you'll feel differently, gradually.
If it feels right to you to feel a bit better, you then...
Ask yourself, "What might the next action be that I could take to assist me to do this?" It may be an inner action, such as making a choice or realizing "This, too, shall pass.
" It may be an outer action.
However, even an outer action starts with an inner one: allowing a next step to come to mind.
Feelings are information, not flaws to be shunned or suppressed.
They aren't to be discounted; they are to be dealt with properly.
Many times, they are to be trusted, especially over logic.
You aren't required to act solely on feelings or solely on logic.
In fact, your life will be a richer experience in every area when you understand how to use both to guide your choices.
Stuff happens.
Shift happens.
Feelings happen.
Our feelings are one of our greatest attributes.
Whether we perceive our feelings as good or not good, they give us valuable information about where we are in each moment.
They can serve us, protect us, help us gauge how satisfied we are, and help us be better people who have better experiences.
No one should ever think they are too intellectual, spiritual, balanced, or what have you to feel anger, sadness, dissatisfaction, or any of the other feelings we consider undesirable.
The point of managing yourself well is not to eliminate the more shadowy aspects, but to build a strong foundation of core values and tools so you can restore balance and good feelings (higher vibrational output) more readily when stuff happens.
And, stuff happens no matter who you are.
The Universe (or whatever you call it) is not as entertained by our intellectualizing as we are.
Amused, more than likely.
Even the finest minds demonstrate only a minuscule fragment of the universal, quantum consciousness.
Whether you follow quantum mechanics or Law of Attraction (which are the same thing), neither responds to our thoughts as readily as they do to our feelings.
The field or Law responds to our strongest vibrational output.
And, we get more of whatever matches the vibration we put out.
I spoke with a negative-minded person who said, "You feel good because good things are happening to you.
" I said, "Good things are happening because I choose to feel good more often than not.
" It's a matter of vibrational output, of like attracts like.
And, it builds upon itself, like interest and dividends.
If you compared the measured vibration of a strong thought to a strong feeling, the feeling would score higher.
This is why it's so important to choose to feel as good as possible, as often as possible.
You get more goodies this way.
It's like at a party.
The person or people who are fun or charismatic attract more people and a better experience than the cranky, "gritchy" person or people.
Is it more fun to engage with people who talk more often about good stuff and possibilities or those who complain non-stop? I suppose this would depend on whether you're into good stuff or complaints.
I'd rather go to a let's-raise-the-energy party over a pity party any day.
What do the lives of these different types feel like to them? Hmm...
There are lots of tools available to help you learn how to better manage your feelings if you believe you need an upgrade in this department.
The better you feel about yourself and life, the more doors your "key" will open.