What Is Panda Active Scan?
- Panda Active Scan allows you to scan and disinfect malware in your computer, which includes viruses, trojans and spyware. It also allows you to scan and fix vulnerabilities, unknown threats and update security protection software, such as Windows Security Center.
- Panda Active Scan is free only if you use the scanning feature. To remove malware and receive technical support, you must purchase a subscription. On average, a six-month subscription costs $12.95, or $2.16 every month.
- Panda Active Scan isn't a download; it's an application that runs directly from the web browser. The antivirus service is accessible from Panda Software's website, www.pandasecurity.com/activescan/index/?track=100723.
- You are required to download ActiveX controls in order to use the service. These controls will immediately download to your computer when accessing Panda Active Scan. Additionally, this program only works in Internet Explorer, Vista and Firefox.