Why Use World of Warcraft Gold Farming Guides?
So here is my take on the latest gold farming guides that have hit the market recently and why you really need to think about using one quick before the latest secrets become public information! So you are level 80 and you are freaking broke! The cost of leveling and talents along with skills has created havoc in your bank account and purse.
Luckily the economy for the World of Warcraft is never in a recession! A major problem with MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft is the time you have to spend farming for "mats" materials to level your skill sets and make money for crucial repairs without having to beg for money from guild mates.
Here is the thing when you are thinking of farming for gold especially when coming from Burning crusades gold farming areas like: Nagrand - Elemental Plateau (67,23).
If you ever had to farm this area you would know that it plain sucked it was over farmed and the drop rate for elementals truly sucked!If you were lucky to avoid the onslaught of Warlocks banishing elemental and attacking another or people on their epic mounts dismounting on top of your tagged mob and stealing agro to take elemental air or fire drop you truly made it at a prime time to farm.
"What really sucks is there are areas like this even in World of Warcraft "WOTLK" Wrath of the Lich King.
" Take for example Northern Storm Peak for farming for Eternals same concept but if you are truly lucky this spot can make you like 200-300g an hour 5-8 drops and this gem is yours.
Right now is the time to hit this area if you are level 80! I do like the fact now with the latest expansion that gold farming spots have increased and blizzard has made some noticeable proficiency to stop places like Nagrand farming and add more spots to farm.
The key is to figure out where these hidden gold spots are.
That is why I feel the need for gold guides there are a lot out there but the free ones don't really share the good spots.
The High End hardcore wow players won't share those good spots because they know how quickly the world will spread on the forums and the information spread like a virus and quickly become over crowded with every professional gold farmer to every other noob out there over crowding the area and creating a messed up pecking order to farm the mobs.
Man with each expansion coming out it gets crazier and crazier on the ways to make mad gold online.
So I tried to use one of these guides to really test its ability to show me things that I would never see when it comes to gold farming guides.
From common trade goods to secret nooks located in instances that you would not know about it has all been thought out and produced by people who make a living making virtual gold online.
Places like Ramparts and the specific mobs located there.
The latest expansion has a ton that are virtually empty and no one around farming yet...
Hopefully, with these gold farming guides and their secret locations will not be leaked anytime soon because I really need to get some repair money and recoup some of my leveling costs!
Luckily the economy for the World of Warcraft is never in a recession! A major problem with MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft is the time you have to spend farming for "mats" materials to level your skill sets and make money for crucial repairs without having to beg for money from guild mates.
Here is the thing when you are thinking of farming for gold especially when coming from Burning crusades gold farming areas like: Nagrand - Elemental Plateau (67,23).
If you ever had to farm this area you would know that it plain sucked it was over farmed and the drop rate for elementals truly sucked!If you were lucky to avoid the onslaught of Warlocks banishing elemental and attacking another or people on their epic mounts dismounting on top of your tagged mob and stealing agro to take elemental air or fire drop you truly made it at a prime time to farm.
"What really sucks is there are areas like this even in World of Warcraft "WOTLK" Wrath of the Lich King.
" Take for example Northern Storm Peak for farming for Eternals same concept but if you are truly lucky this spot can make you like 200-300g an hour 5-8 drops and this gem is yours.
Right now is the time to hit this area if you are level 80! I do like the fact now with the latest expansion that gold farming spots have increased and blizzard has made some noticeable proficiency to stop places like Nagrand farming and add more spots to farm.
The key is to figure out where these hidden gold spots are.
That is why I feel the need for gold guides there are a lot out there but the free ones don't really share the good spots.
The High End hardcore wow players won't share those good spots because they know how quickly the world will spread on the forums and the information spread like a virus and quickly become over crowded with every professional gold farmer to every other noob out there over crowding the area and creating a messed up pecking order to farm the mobs.
Man with each expansion coming out it gets crazier and crazier on the ways to make mad gold online.
So I tried to use one of these guides to really test its ability to show me things that I would never see when it comes to gold farming guides.
From common trade goods to secret nooks located in instances that you would not know about it has all been thought out and produced by people who make a living making virtual gold online.
Places like Ramparts and the specific mobs located there.
The latest expansion has a ton that are virtually empty and no one around farming yet...
Hopefully, with these gold farming guides and their secret locations will not be leaked anytime soon because I really need to get some repair money and recoup some of my leveling costs!