How to Conserve Energy to Prevent Air Pollution
- 1). Drive an energy efficient vehicle such as a hybrid or an electric car. These vehicles are more energy efficient and use less gas than traditional cars and reduce air pollution as a result.
- 2). Carpool as much as possible. Five people driving in one car will use less gasoline and less energy than five people driving in five cars. This greatly reduces the amount of exhaust that is pumped into the air.
- 3). Use a single lamp per room in the home or use candlelight at night. The less electricity you use, the less coal needs to be burned at the power plant and the less air pollution goes into the air. Turn off lights and electrical devices when they are not in use.
- 4). Switch your appliances with more energy-efficient models if you can afford to. This also lowers the amount of electricity you need and slows the burning of coal over time at the power plant.
- 5). Reduce your air conditioning usage to further minimize your need for electricity and reduce coal usage that pollutes the air.