What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Psychological Tension?
- Psychological tension can cause many physical problems:
-- High Blood Pressure
-- Sleep disturbances such as chronic fatigue or insomnia
-- Short temper
-- Focus and concentration problems
-- Forgetfulness
-- Digestion disturbances including constipation
-- Alcohol or drug use
-- Relationship difficulties
-- Depression
If you are like most people, you will not experience all the symptoms at the same time. But if you do begin to experience even a small number of symptoms from psychological tension, it's vital that you address these symptoms as soon as possible. - Everyone handles life differentlyJupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Personality characteristics play a part in how you react to a given situation. What bothers you may not bother the next person. Something you barely notice may be extremely annoying to someone else. - Ongoing stress takes a toll on your lifeJupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
If you do not take time get away from psychological tension, eventually the signs and symptoms will begin to interfere with your life.
This could mean that important relationships begin to suffer, or maybe you will start experiencing stomach problems, or perhaps you will have difficulty sleeping. It's also possible that several symptoms could pop up at once.
Psychological tension must be addressed before it affects your entire life and before problems such as heart disease develop. Psychological tension can be dangerous if not properly addressed. - Take time for funJupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
You have responsibilities in life, but don't forget to allow yourself time to relax. Even if it's just a peaceful walk daily or working out two or three times weekly, you need to take care of yourself.
If you don't take care of yourself with some fun and relaxation, you will not be at your best, and this will affect every aspect of your life. Don't allow stress to rule your life.
Common Symptoms of Psychological Tension
Different People, Different Reactions
Health Risks
Time for Work and Time for Play