Live Your Life Without Limitations
Allowing the Infinite Spirit of God/Source to be immersed in you and recognizing that immersion will move you forward quickly to the wholeness of your Being in the fullest of the most Divine state.
Here you will find and know your completeness without the limitations that you impose on yourself as human beings.
You can and will be in the full spiritual form without limitations while being in the physical body form and know the strength of your spiritual powers.
You will use them wisely and well for you will be creating from a place of Divineness and not from a place of lack and limitation due to human based fears.
Your evolving is that of moving to this state of full spiritual awareness of your Divine Being while you are in the physical body so you may experience your creations in the physical form.
Creations that are so magical and filled with beauty and wonderment that what you perceive and conceive now will seem mundane and trivial.
There is no limitation in what you can create.
The limitation comes from what your limited imagination conceives.
The limitedness of your imagination and thoughts is a form of fear and disbelief.
Fear of being unworthy, fear of what others will think of you, and disbelief that you can truly do this.
Both fear and disbelief stem from your feeling of separateness from the Divine, God, Infinite Spirit, Source and your lack of awareness and fully accepting that you are the same energy as the Divine, Infinite Spirit, God, Source.
Once you know and accept that you are the same energy, that the presence of God, Infinite Spirit, Divine, Source is in you then it follows that you are the Divine, God, Infinite Spirit, Source And therefore you have the same creating abilities.
There is no limit to what the Divine, God, Infinite Spirit, Source can create.
The only limitation comes from the limiting thoughts and imagination of the human mind.
When you move fully into the awareness of who you are as a Spiritual Being and fully embrace that awareness then remove the shackles of limiting thoughts, limiting creations, limited imagination, and you become a creator where you know anything is possible to create and you create without limitations.
You will create for the beauty and wonderment of creating.
You will create to enjoy your creation in physical form.
You will continue to create because you know you are unlimited and because there is fun and magic in the creating process.
You will create for the Divineness of your Being and to enjoy the humanness of your Being.
Your humanness and your Divineness will come together in perfect synchronization and balance for the highest and fullest expression of you.
Here you will find and know your completeness without the limitations that you impose on yourself as human beings.
You can and will be in the full spiritual form without limitations while being in the physical body form and know the strength of your spiritual powers.
You will use them wisely and well for you will be creating from a place of Divineness and not from a place of lack and limitation due to human based fears.
Your evolving is that of moving to this state of full spiritual awareness of your Divine Being while you are in the physical body so you may experience your creations in the physical form.
Creations that are so magical and filled with beauty and wonderment that what you perceive and conceive now will seem mundane and trivial.
There is no limitation in what you can create.
The limitation comes from what your limited imagination conceives.
The limitedness of your imagination and thoughts is a form of fear and disbelief.
Fear of being unworthy, fear of what others will think of you, and disbelief that you can truly do this.
Both fear and disbelief stem from your feeling of separateness from the Divine, God, Infinite Spirit, Source and your lack of awareness and fully accepting that you are the same energy as the Divine, Infinite Spirit, God, Source.
Once you know and accept that you are the same energy, that the presence of God, Infinite Spirit, Divine, Source is in you then it follows that you are the Divine, God, Infinite Spirit, Source And therefore you have the same creating abilities.
There is no limit to what the Divine, God, Infinite Spirit, Source can create.
The only limitation comes from the limiting thoughts and imagination of the human mind.
When you move fully into the awareness of who you are as a Spiritual Being and fully embrace that awareness then remove the shackles of limiting thoughts, limiting creations, limited imagination, and you become a creator where you know anything is possible to create and you create without limitations.
You will create for the beauty and wonderment of creating.
You will create to enjoy your creation in physical form.
You will continue to create because you know you are unlimited and because there is fun and magic in the creating process.
You will create for the Divineness of your Being and to enjoy the humanness of your Being.
Your humanness and your Divineness will come together in perfect synchronization and balance for the highest and fullest expression of you.