How to Remove a Harmonic Balancer From a Car
- 1). Loosen the bolts that hold the fan belt pulley onto the harmonic balancer at the crankshaft. Loosen the large bolt in the center of the crankshaft that holds the balancer onto the crankshaft. Do not remove them yet.
- 2). Remove any fan belts that run through the pulley attached to the harmonic balancer. For instance, if your alternator and power steering belt run through the crankshaft pulley, loosen the adjusting and hold-down bolts on the alternator and power steering pump, then rotate them so the belts are loose enough to remove. Remove the belts.
- 3). Remove the bolts and washers from the fan belt pulley attached to the harmonic balancer. Remove the large bolt and washer in the center of the crankshaft
- 4). Set up the balancer pulling tool. The puller has four arms with slots in them shaped like a "Y," with an extra arm between the "V" part of the Y. The center of this part has a hole in the center of it that a long threaded rod goes into. One end of the rod has a hex head for a socket. The other end has a detachable tapered tip that seats in the end of the crankshaft.
Remove the detachable end and thread the rod into the "Y" piece, then put the end piece back on the rod. There are several sets of bolts with different thread sizes to fit different balancers. Find a set of bolts that fits into the pulley holes on the balancer. These bolts go into the slots and into the bolt holes where the fan belt pulley attached to the balancer. - 5). Place the "Y" piece against the balancer with the threaded rod centered in the crankshaft. Insert the bolts into the slotted arms of the "Y" piece and thread them into the balancer. Draw the "Y" piece up against the balancer. Turn the threaded rod so it is in contact with the large bolt hole in the center of the crankshaft. Make sure the rod is lined up straight with the crankshaft. If it is off-center, move the "Y" piece on its bolts.
- 6). Turn the hex end of the threaded rod clockwise to draw the balancer off of the end of the crankshaft.