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DUI & DWI Law : Law & Legal & Attorney
Facts on DUI & DWI Laws
No matter where you live in the United States, driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is a serious offense. DUI Laws vary from state to state. If you have been accused of a DUI, consult with a knowledgeable lawyer, preferably one with extensive experience in the field of DUI law. For example,
Georgia DUI Rules
A DUI means a driver is driving under the influence. DUIs can be referred to as DWI, driving while intoxicated; OUI, operating under the influence; or OMVI, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. It is a criminal offense for a driver to operate a car, a truck or another motor vehicle when al
Court-Approved DUI Schools in Fresno, California
Participating in a DUI class or program in Fresno, California, will help a convicted DUI offender who is serious about getting on the road to recovery. These particular classes can last anywhere from two days to several weeks. Some programs are in place for first-time offenders, while others accept
In Louisiana, there are two ways that you may be found guilty of DUI or driving while intoxicated (DWI), as it is called under the state law. Under Louisiana's "per se" DWI statute, you will be guilty if your blood-alcohol content (BAC) surpasses the legal limit of 0.08. Alternatively,...
DUI Laws and Rules in Minnesota
Drinking and driving in Minnesota can lead to serious consequences.Alcohol decanters image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comAlcohol and cars are both ways to have a good time--but not when mixed. Every state outlaws drunken driving with both criminal penalties and driving restrictions. Though...
BC Laws Regarding Travel After DUI Conviction
Impaired driving is taken as seriously in Canada as it is in the United Statesreport drunk drivers sign (closeup) image by Paul Marcus from Fotolia.comFor a Canadian citizen convicted of driving under the influence, the only restriction to travel imposed by British Columbia is enforcement...
What Is the Difference Between a DUI & a DWI in Missouri?
In the state of Missouri, there is no recognized difference between driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI). Missouri does not use the term DUI for driving under the influence of alcohol; it prefers to use DWI. In cases where drugs are involved, Missouri has laws agains
DUI Federal Park Penalties
Park rangers patrol park roads in search of drunk drivers.park ranger image by Jim Parkin from Fotolia.comWhen a driver consumes alcohol or medication above legal limits, or their ability to operate a motor vehicle is noticeably impaired, they can be charged with driving under the...
Arizona Criminal DUI Laws
Arizona imposes both civil and criminal penalties for DUI convictions.Arizona, America image by Serenitie from Fotolia.comArizona punishes drunk driving, referred to as driving under the influence or DUI, as a crime. While criminal penalties of fines and jail time are required for all...
Penalties for Underage DUI in Arizona
Not in Arizona. Not on their highways.alcohol image by dinostock from Fotolia.comArizona doesn't like underage drinking. At all. If you're pulled over in Arizona and the breathalyzer says you have any alcohol in your system, you will be cited for underage driving under the influence...
Levels of Alcohol Intoxication
Many stages of alcohol intoxication exist, each with their own physical and mental effect on the body. The higher the blood alcohol level the more severe the effects are. Many factors influence blood alcohol levels including the drinker's age, amount of food in the drinker's stomach, tolerance, gend
What Type of Crimes Are Third-Degree Felonies?
Third-degree felonies include many types of crimes and depend on the state, circumstances of the crime and the offender's criminal history. Third-degree felonies are less serious than that of first- and second-degree felonies, but are punishable by prison. Felonies differ from misdemeanors in their
Minor in Possession and DUI Laws in Nebraska
Underage drinking and driving is punishable by Nebraska's Zero Tolerance Law.Wasser im Trockenen image by weinhundert from Fotolia.comAccording to the "Grand Island Independent" newspaper, underage drinking in Nebraska was responsible for $447 million in lost revenue in Nebraska during...
Oregon Drunk Driving Laws
The state of Oregon uses Ignition Interlocking Devices (IID) as one of several tools to address drunk drunk to drive image by Marjan Veljanoski from Fotolia.comAll of the 50 United States have various laws addressing alcohol-impaired driving, a dangerous crime that kills...
Drunk Driving Laws
Driving while under the influence of alcohol, also known as a DUI or DWI is illegal because reaction time is altered and normal brain function slows down as an effect of the alcohol. Drunk driving increases the risk of causing an accident or being involved in an accident. Some laws are state specifi
Statute of Limitations for Transporting a Minor Across State Lines
In criminal matters, statutes of limitations set a deadline for bringing charges or filing a lawsuit. Each state has its own law. Thus, a statute of limitations for transporting a minor across state lines can only be determined by analyzing the law of the particular jurisdiction.
Drunk Driving Laws in Virginia
Virginia imposes strict penalties for driving while drunk .to drunk to drive image by Marjan Veljanoski from Fotolia.comDrunk driving laws in Virginia impose jail time and fines and suspend the license of those convicted of the offense. The state also requires some drivers to install an...
Colorado State's DUI Laws
Drivers with a BAC of 0.08 or higher are guilty of DUI in the state of Colorado.Colorado image by michael langley from Fotolia.comConvicted drunk drivers are handled very seriously in the eyes of the law in Colorado, and for good reason. In order to be charged with Driving Under the...
Directions for Use of a Portable Breathalyzer
A portable or personal breathalyzer is an instrument that can be used to test alcohol levels in the blood. This works on the same principles as police breathalyzers, but can be purchased for home use. Some companies market this product as a safety measure for those who drink to help avoid driving af
Laws Regarding Drunk Driving in the State of Michigan
Michigan drunk driving laws seek to prevent accidents.wrecked car image by hazel proudlove from Fotolia.comMichigan has strict laws regarding driving motor vehicles under the influence. The easiest way to avoid running afoul of the law is not to drink. Once you become familiar with laws...